Agenda and minutes
Venue: Council Chamber - Guildhall, Bath. View directions
Contact: Mark Durnford Email: 01225 394458
No. | Item |
WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE The Chair will draw attention to the emergency evacuation procedure as set out under Note 6.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman drew attention to the emergency evacuation procedure.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AND SUBSTITUTIONS Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Ruth Malloy and Councillor Gerry Curran had both sent their apologies to the Panel. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST At this point in the meeting declarations of interest are received from Members in any of the agenda items under consideration at the meeting. Members are asked to indicate: (a) The agenda item number in which they have an interest to declare. (b) The nature of their interest. (c) Whether their interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or an other interest, (as defined in Part 2, A and B of the Code of Conduct and Rules for Registration of Interests) Any Member who needs to clarify any matters relating to the declaration of interests is recommended to seek advice from the Council’s Monitoring Officer or a member of his staff before the meeting to expedite dealing with the item during the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Paul May declared an other interest as he is a non-executive Sirona board member.
TO ANNOUNCE ANY URGENT BUSINESS AGREED BY THE CHAIRMAN Additional documents: Minutes: There was none. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Paul May addressed the Panel. He said that in light of this being the second additional meeting in recent months he would like to propose that the Panel seeks to request the Council to consider reallocating their remit to two separate Panels, one for Adults Health & Wellbeing and one for Children & Young People Health & Wellbeing to allow for more focussed meetings.
Councillor Michelle O’Doherty said that she would second the proposal. She said that the Panel has a high workload currently and felt that as it was people’s lives being considered that more time should be given to each group. She acknowledged that some issues may require an integrated discussion.
Councillor Liz Hardman commented that she would support the proposal as both aspects were so important.
Councillor Rob Appleyard said that he didn’t feel that they were giving either portfolio justice and that officers were owed a certain level of support from the Panel.
Chris Batten commented that if a separation of remits were to happen there should be a way for joint reports to be presented to both Panels at the same time.
Kevin Burnett stated that he would support the proposal as it would give members an opportunity to look at issues in more detail.
The Panel RESOLVED to request the Council to consider reallocating their remit to two separate Panels, one for Adults Health & Wellbeing and one for Children & Young People Health & Wellbeing to allow for more focussed meetings.
One member of the Panel abstained from voting. |
MINUTES: 14th September 2021 Additional documents: Minutes: Kevin Burnett asked if there was an update on the Escalation Protocol.
The Director of Children's Services & Education replied that she will prompt the BCSSP Business Manager for an update.
Kevin Burnett thanked officers for supplying him with the minutes of the Child Protection Forum meeting but asked if there had been any recent feedback from schools on frontline services or if not when was any last undertaken.
The Director of Children's Services & Education replied that she would have to take that matter away and discuss colleagues.
The Chairman commented that he had received a response to his query regarding the local Bladder and Bowel Service and asked the Democratic Services Officer to circulate it to the Panel.
The Panel confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record and they were duly signed by the Chairman. |
The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BSW CCG) on current issues. Additional documents: Minutes: Corinne Edwards, B&NES CCG, Chief Operating Officer addressed the Panel and highlighted the key topics covered within the update report.
Flu vaccine delays
While this year’s programme of winter flu vaccination clinics across B&NES is set to begin over the coming weeks, vaccine provider Seqirus has advised that due to unforeseen road freight challenges, there will be a delay to scheduled deliveries of around one to two weeks. This change means that practices will inevitably have to reschedule clinics.
As a result, Seqirus has pledged to keep practices informed through various delivery updates and practices across B&NES are keeping patients informed.
Supporting GPs and parents of children with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
BSW CCG has put measures in place to help address a rise in the number of children affected by Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). RSV is a potentially serious respiratory illness which children often pick up during the colder months of the year which health officials have been reporting in increasing numbers over the past few months.
The CCG has supported by supplying a range of RSV-related materials for GP practices and other health settings including display posters and leaflets and organising education sessions for GPs on how to manage cases, as well as when to refer onwards to hospitals.
Awareness of the rise has been made to primary care colleagues to help manage children whose families may otherwise be putting unnecessary pressure on hospitals. There have also been communications with the public on guidance of when to contact primary care regarding the illness and when it is safe to monitor children.
Kevin Burnett asked what plans were being put in place locally to ease pressure on GPs.
Corinne Edwards replied that a detailed letter from the Government had been received this week regarding extra support. She added that colleagues have met and discussed initial thoughts and added that a plan suggesting solutions / investment needs to be submitted by October 28th.
Councillor Andy Wait asked if any further update could be given regarding flu vaccinations.
Corinne Edwards replied that she was aware that appointments were now being arranged to be vaccinated and that she would seek an update on behalf of the Panel.
Councillor Paul May commented that he hoped that there would be a mechanism in place for Integrated Care System (ICS) updates when the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) ceases to exist.
Corinne Edwards replied that it has been noted that this is an area of work that needs to be continued following the transition next year.
Councillor Liz Hardman asked how ready we were locally for these changes.
Richard Smale, B&NES CCG, Director of Strategy and Transformation replied that he felt that they were not in a bad place in terms of preparation and that meetings had been held this week with colleagues to further discuss the process.
The Chairman commented that he was concerned to hear that B&NES had recorded a higher number of more recent Covid-19 ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
This is the fourth report submitted to the Panel as a commissioning update on Virgin Care Services Limited’s delivery as the prime provider for integrated health and social care services for the B&NES locality. At the request of the Panel this update report will concentrate on the key themes of service user/patient experience and workforce planning.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Adult Social Care introduced this report to the Panel. She began by thanking all staff within Virgin Care for their hard work throughout the pandemic.
She explained that at the request of Panel this update report concentrates on the key themes of service user/patient experience and workforce planning.
She said that on a monthly basis, Virgin Care hold an internal quality and safety meeting which is also attended by a member of the CCG Quality Team. There is currently also a bi-monthly quality group meeting which is chaired by the Associate Director of Patient Safety and Quality (CCG) and this meeting provides assurance on the quality data and escalates any concerns or issues to the Contract, Quality and Performance Meeting (CQPM).
She referred to the service user and patient experience section of the report which detailed Virgin Care’s performance across a range of safety indicators, these include, serious incidents, pressure ulcers, falls, never events and safeguarding. She said that the report also details feedback from service users and patients through surveys and customer feedback. She added that adult social care and safeguarding performance and assurance is also included in this section of the report.
She stated that the section for workforce planning gives detail of Virgin Care’s priorities for 2021/22 and the focused activity to deliver the priorities. There is also detailed information and data on appraisal, communication, staff engagement, reward and recognition, staffing – starters/leavers/vacancies, staffing absence, training and wellbeing. She informed the Panel the report also gives an overview of current workforce pressures and challenges.
She updated the Panel with regard to the Contract Performance Notice (CPN) that was issued to Virgin Care in May 2021 following the closure of Sulis Ward (St Martin’s Community Hospital) due to staffing capacity. She said that they had now been assured that St Martin’s has enough stable staffing in place.
Referring to page 36 of the agenda pack the Chairman asked which venue had been identified as closer than Keynsham to allow easier access for Health Visitor clinics for people in the Chew Valley.
The Head of Contracting & Performance replied that she would follow up that point on behalf of the Panel.
Councillor Liz Hardman said, as the ward councillor for Paulton, she was concerned to read about the score for Privacy, Dignity and Wellbeing at Paulton Hospital (para 2.7, p40) and asked how the figure of 77.98% compares with the previous year and are there any plans in place to improve this.
The Director of Adult Social Care replied that figures within the report were not correct as should have been as follows.
2018: St Martins 79% Paulton 71% 2019: St Martins 89% Paulton 87%
She added that figures for 2020 were not available due to Covi-19 and that following dedicated support through a Quality Lead from Virgin Care she expected figures to improve again when collected for 2021.
Councillor Hardman asked how to more service user engagement would be enabled.
The Director of Adult Social Care ... view the full minutes text for item 51. |
The Health & Social Care Bill - ICS Update The Panel will receive a presentation regarding this item from Corinne Edwards, B&NES Chief Operating Officer and Richard Smale, Director of Strategy and Transformation. Additional documents: Minutes: Richard Smale, BSW CCG Director of Strategy and Transformation addressed the Panel, a summary of the presentation is set out below.
BSW Integrated Care System (ICS) Development and Transition
Statutory components of an Integrated Care System
Following the abolition of the CCG two new bodies will be created.
· Integrated Care Board (ICB) · Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)
Time has been set aside to discuss with relevant parties how this will work.
All stakeholders will need to play a key role and equality should be given to all views.
Integrated Care Board
The Integrated Care Board is a statutory NHS body / organisation that will:
· Bring partner organisations together in a new collaborative way with common purpose; · Bring the NHS together locally to improve population health and establish shared strategic priorities within the NHS, connecting to partnership arrangements at system and place.
Subject to the legislation,
· Expect most CCG statutory functions will be conferred on the Integrated Care Board in April 2022 (including commissioning responsibilities and contracts).
Integrated Care Partnership
The ICP is a statutory committee established locally and jointly by the ICB and the Local Authorities in the ICB’s area.
The ICP will work on the principle of statutorily equal partnership between the NHS and local government to work with and for their partners and communities.
Responsibility to develop an ‘integrated care strategy’ for the area’s whole population, covering health and social care, and addressing health inequalities and the wider determinants which drive these inequalities. A key body for developing the overarching vision and strategy for health and care in B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire.
Wide range of partners and organisations – local authorities, the VCSE sector, the NHS, anchor institutions, education, housing, police, etc.
Can only be set up once the ICB is formally established.
Working in partnership
· Emphasis on working with people and communities; and partnerships with voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. · BSW secured £25k to establish a VCSE Alliance at Integrated Care System level and to support involvement within the Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership. · Engagement strategy for 2022/23
Action required
· Develop a system-wide strategy for engaging with people and communities by April 2022 · ICBs work with partners to develop arrangements for ensuring that integrated care partnerships and place-based partnerships have representation from local people and communities in priority-setting and decision-making forums. · By April 2022, ICBs are expected to have developed a formal agreement for engaging and embedding the VCSE sector in system-level governance and decision-making arrangements, ideally by working through a VCSE alliance to reflect the diversity of the sector.
Transition arrangements
· Integrated Care System (ICS) Chief Executive interviews 12/13th October · First assessment against the Readiness to Operate Statement due 29th October 2021 · Integrated Care Board (ICB) draft constitution to be submitted 17 December 2021, final version by 31 December
B&NES Integrated Care Alliance Development
Corinne Edwards, B&NES Chief Operating Officer, BSW CCG addressed the Panel, a summary of the presentation is set out below.
What do we have in place ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
Shaping a Healthier Future Programme The Panel will receive a presentation from Simon Cook (Shaping a Healthier Future Programme Director) and Geoff Underwood (Programme Director, SCW CSU). Additional documents: Minutes: Richard Smale, BSW CCG Director of Strategy and Transformation addressed the Panel, a summary of the presentation is set out below.
BSW Health and Care Model
· Community Focus & Wellbeing · Workshops have been held with comparative work being carried out in Swindon & Wiltshire · Start the public conversation and listen to the local population - Work together to empower people to lead their best life ·
Five parts of the model
· Personalised care · Healthier communities · Joined-up local teams · Local specialist services · Specialist centres
Simon Cook, Shaping a Healthier Future Programme Director addressed the Panel, a summary of the presentation is set out below.
· Launch on 2nd November 2021 – Engagement across November & December
· Aim: o To raise awareness of the BSW model and what it means for local communities o Two way dialogue with stakeholders about key principles of model in order to understand the barriers to access and the impact of these - especially for those affected by health inequalities o To provide details to the public of how they can keep involved going forward
· Approach:
o Blended approach - mostly digital though with some off-line engagement opportunities. o Pragmatic – given resource and time constraints - and so targeted at communities experiencing health inequalities. · Collaborative with partners to maximise messaging · Using storytelling to explain engagement so far and highlight what new ways of working will mean for people in practice. · Engaging on the system-wide model but with options for localised additional engagement.
· How we will engage:
o Surveys with localised questions – on websites and via press release o Posters and leaflets o Workshops with community, 3rd sector and patient groups o Interviews with key stakeholders
He said that following the engagement activities he would like to update the Panel in January 2022.
He informed them that 127 expressions of interest for the available funding had been submitted and that only 8 will go onto the next stage of the process.
Councillor Rob Appleyard commented that within the surveys it would be helpful if information could be provided to residents about how the provision of services might change so that they are well prepared.
Kevin Burnett said that there would still need to be somebody that held the role of a care co-ordinator, whether that be a GP or other health professional.
Richard Smale replied that care planning will need to be in place and individuals will be assessed on where that needs to begin. He said that this could from the GP or the team around them. He added that it was important to make sure the governance of the process was correct.
Simon Cook added that data analysis will be key so the right technology will need to be in place.
Councillor Liz Hardman asked if enough staff / resources will be available for the model that we want to achieve.
Simon Cook replied that work will be carried out to make careers more attractive and progressive.
Richard Smale added that workforce numbers remain an issue, but ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
This report presents the latest workplan for the Panel. Any suggestions for further items or amendments to the current programme will be logged and scheduled in consultation with the Panel’s Chair and supporting officers.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Panel approved the workplan as printed. |