
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies, and officers.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information just showing officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

For historical officer decisions before 10/11/2018 please contact:


Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Transfer of Leased Properties (WL) ref: 186920/03/202328/03/2023Call-in expired
Canal Tow Path – Bathwick Hill to Deeplock, Widcombe ref: 186717/03/202317/03/2023Not for call-in
RULE 3.5.16 - Two month extension of supported bus service 672 ref: 186817/03/202317/03/2023Not for call-in
Bath Western Riverside Phase II- Outline Planning Application ref: 186616/03/202316/03/2023Not for call-in
Somer Valley Rediscovered ref: 186516/03/202316/03/2023Not for call-in
EV Charging - Cable Channel Trial (WL) ref: 186414/03/202322/03/2023Call-in expired
Climate Annual Report and Ecological Emergency Action Plan ref: 185909/03/202318/03/2023Call-in expired
Quarter 3 Corporate Strategic Performance report 2022/23 ref: 186209/03/202318/03/2023Call-in expired
Options for Bus Franchising in the West of England ref: 185809/03/202318/03/2023Call-in expired
Heritage Services Business Plan 2023-2028 ref: 186109/03/202318/03/2023Call-in expired
Milsom Quarter Update ref: 186309/03/202318/03/2023Call-in expired
Joint Community Safety Plan ref: 186009/03/202318/03/2023Call-in expired
Shortlist for the Temple Cloud Liveable Neighbourhood Area (WL) ref: 185609/03/202317/03/2023Call-in expired
CIL for Bath Advisory Board Recommendations Round Thirteen (WL) ref: 185508/03/202316/03/2023Call-in expired