
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies, and officers.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information just showing officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

For historical officer decisions before 10/11/2018 please contact:


Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
The Inn, Freshford Assets of Community Value ref: 174715/02/202115/02/2021Not for call-in
Asymptomatic Mass Testing ref: 149511/02/202111/02/2021Not for call-in
Preparing For The Future Programme ref: 150419/02/202119/02/2021Not for call-in
Addressing air quality and traffic management issues through the management of parking behaviour on the highway (WL) ref: 150723/02/202103/03/2021Call-in expired
Agreement of the Bath Clean Air Zone Charging Order 2021 ref: 150327/01/202127/01/2021Not for call-in
RULE 15 Bath Business Improvement District Renewal 2021 ref: 150213/02/202113/02/2021Not for call-in
Decision on award of a contract to a new operator for the Approach Golf Course site following a procurement process ref: 149611/02/202119/02/2021Call-in expired
Decision on award of a contract to a new operator for the Entry Hill Golf Course site following an OJEU procurement process ref: 149311/02/202119/02/2021Call-in expired
Preparing for the Future Programme ref: 149711/02/202119/02/2021Call-in expired
Budget & Council Tax 2021/22 and Financial Outlook ref: 149811/02/202111/02/2021Not for call-in
Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring, Cash Limits and Virements – April 2020 to December 2020 ref: 149911/02/202119/02/2021Call-in expired
Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy 2021/22 ref: 150011/02/202119/02/2021Call-in expired
Treasury Management Monitoring Report to 31st December 2020 ref: 150111/02/202119/02/2021Call-in expired