Agenda item

Performance Management

There will be a presentation at the meeting on Performance Management. The presentation slides are attached.


Steve Harman, Strategic Performance Manager, gave a presentation to the Panel on ‘Performance Management’ (a copy of the presentation is on the minute book for the Panel and also on the Council website). The presentation covered the following:


·  The Old World - Pre 2010

·  New World – Post 2010

·  Revised Local Performance Framework

·  Some examples of current practice

·  ‘One Council’ – What is it?

·  One Performance Conversation

·  Request for Members


The officer ended the presentation by asking Members of the Panel what performance information they need going forward and how they want to be involved.


The Panel raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Paul Fox asked that Quarterly Financial Reviews be included with this information in the future. He further asked if there was an example of something that has changed as a result of the new processes. Andrew Pate, Strategic Director – Resources, gave some examples. He explained that information around Council Tax and Business Rates collection had been looked at as well as the Social Fund. He stated that findings had been reassuring. He explained that other things had been looked at and feedback was less reassuring such as the speed of phone answering in Council Connect. He further explained that Ian Savigar, Divisional Director – Customer Services, has plans in place to address this issue but that there is a clear indication that resources are stretched in this area. It was acknowledged that performance is much higher than many organisations and quality of response is equally if not more important than speed. He concluded that performance management information does influence decisions regarding services.


Councillor Barrett asked how local priorities are set and how often they are reviewed. The officer explained that the Cabinet decide on the strategic objectives and they are reviewed twice a year. Councillor Bull asked if it would be possible to cluster performance indicators so it is clear how they relate to the strategic objectives. The officer agreed that he could do this for the Panel.


Councillor Nigel Roberts stated that most key indicators and benchmarking information focused on past information. He also stated that benchmarking partners should be considered outside of local authorities where relevant. The Strategic Performance Manager agreed and explained that officers are asked to make a year-end forecast so that there is an early warning if there is a worrying trend. Regarding benchmarking, he explained that benchmarking had been done with the private sector for example - telephone operating.


Councillor Roberts asked about the services that are not measured. He also asked about the officer’s year end forecasts and what was done to balance over optimism/pessimism. The officer explained that as many service areas as possible are covered in the process, he explained that this is his key role. David Trethewey, Divisional Director – Strategy and Performance, stated that officers are always encouraged to be realistic in their projections.


Councillor Gerrish stated that there was sometimes too much focus on how quickly phone calls are answered and he would prefer that the focus was on the outcome. He referred back to the officer’s introduction where he asked what information the Panel need in the future, he asked that members are trained on how to access performance information themselves. He also asked to be given information on the adverse effect of unforeseen events. He further added that he would value getting presentations from various teams annually as this would be an effective way of involving members beyond the Cabinet. Councillors Gerrish and Bull agreed that this would be useful for scrutiny panels.


David Bellotti, Cabinet Member for Community Resources, stated that the performance management information is vital to the Cabinet and that it influences future decisions. He accepted the suggestion above regarding presentations being extended to scrutiny.


Councillor Bull asked that future reports keep the Panel updated on this.

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