Agenda item

Work Plans

Attached to this report is the new quarterly monitoring report for the Service Plan. This covers a high level overview of all projects for the Investments and Pensions Administration teams including progress to date.



The Governance and Risk Advisor introduced this report to the Committee and highlighted the following areas within it.


The new quarterly monitoring report for the Service Plan covers a high level overview of all projects for the Investments and Pensions Administration teams including progress to date.


Member attendance at training events is recorded and reported annually in the

Annual Report and Accounts. This will include a record of those members that

have completed The Pension Regulators Knowledge and Skills Toolkit.


The purpose of the work plans is to provide members with an indication of their

future workload and the associated timetable. In effect they represent an on-going review of the Service Plan. The plans are however subject to change to reflect either a change in priorities or opportunities / issues arising from the



The provisional training programme for 2019-21 is also included so that Members are aware of intended training sessions and workshops. This plan will be updated quarterly. It also includes a summary of the work the committee undertakes to meet the requirements of CIPFA’s Knowledge and Skills Toolkit. It also includes workshops to cover aspects of training requested in the self-assessment exercise.


Charles Gerrish asked why in Appendix 1a the objective ‘Development of management information hub’ is only shown as Amber when the target date is set as April 2019.


The Governance and Risk Advisor replied that she was aware that some testing had been carried out on this task.


The Pensions Manager added that the task has taken longer than anticipated and needs to be developed to be fit for purpose.


Shirley Marsh-Hughes suggested that projects that were behind schedule be allocated revised dates.


The Governance and Risk Advisor agreed.


The Committee RESOLVED to note the quarterly monitoring report for the Service Plan, the Committee & Investment Panel work plans and training programme for the relevant period.

Supporting documents: