Agenda item

Impact of Task and Finish Groups - Resources PDS Panel

To consider reports relating to (A) Use of Consultants and Agency Staff; and (B) Community Asset Transfer


Richard Howroyd – Corporate Procurement Manager introduced the first part of the report on ‘Impact and progress made on the use of Consultants and agency staff within B&NES’.


Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:


Councillor Barrett referred to a figure of £7.5million regarding spend on agency staff as reported on in ‘Bath Hacked’. The officer reported that between January 2014 – December 2014 there had been a £3.7million spend in this area. He explained that the figure Councillor Barrett refers to possibly takes account of some specialist social services figures and that he would check this.


Councillor Barrett stated that the Task and Finish Group aimed to reduce the use of consultants. Andrew Pate – Strategic Director for Resources explained that there are umbrella arrangements for the use of agency staff so that cover can be provided on a short term basis for staff shortages, he confirmed that the authority is not shifting away from staff to agency. Councillor Macrae asked about ‘Bath Hacked’, the Director explained that it is a group of individuals, not an organisation and has no kite mark. He confirmed that the Corporate Procurement Manager would look into their data on this subject. Councillor Gerrish stated that a figure on the number of full time equivalent posts would be more meaningful and that he realised that sometimes specialist help must be bought in in the form of consultants.


The officer reported that there are 125 assignments active at one time, often to cover operatives eg. waste operatives. He reported that there is a growth in the social and health care area as there is a difficultly recruiting in this field which is reflected nationally.


Councillor Macrae stated that he is in favour of using consultants where appropriate. It was stated that there are no BANES officers working as consultants.


Regarding the issue of employing local - Councillor Macrae stated that he is concerned at this policy as he believes that residents deserve access to the best services and this policy may not ensure that. The officer assured the Panel that a level playing field has been created between big and small businesses. Councillor Symonds stated that he is glad that more local firms are being employed as they are more likely to know the area.


Councillor Macrae stated that consultants are employed to covers where the authority does not have the relevant skills, he asked how many short term consultants do the same job and requested that this be monitored. Councillor Macrae asked for an update to be reported back to this Panel (or its equivalent after the May 2015 elections) in 6 months. Councillor Barrett asked for an update on Consultants. The Director stated that this new analysis can be linked in with workforce planning for the new Council.



Richard Long – Head of Property introduced the second part of the report on ‘Community Asset Transfer – Scrutiny Impact Report’.


Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:


Councillor Macrae stated that he is comfortable with the thrust of the Community Asset Transfer policy. He stated that he is surprised that Midsomer Norton Swimming Pool is not on this list, he registered his concern that ward members are not consulted. The officer stated that the swimming pool is part of Leisure procurement rather than Property but agreed that ward members should be consulted.


Councillor Myers stated that he is concerned about the way some Community Groups are taking things on and that he is advising them to take legal advice before signing long leases. The officer explained that groups must demonstrate that they have the facilities and skills to run a building before a lease is signed, he recommends that groups obtain advice. He further explained that there are options for tenants to break a lease at certain stages. He agreed that the nature of some buildings mean they need tender care and groups must be strongly supported. Councillor Myers stated that some legal groups are advising tenants not to sign leases as some are for 99 years and groups could face a substantial liability. The officer stated that it had been a learning curve and experience has led to some clauses being tempered.


Councillor Myers stated that Midsomer Norton Skate park transfer had not been publicised, he asked that there be a place or system where members are notified. He also asked that officers carry out the initial negotiations (and minutes be taken) rather than Cabinet Members. The officer stated that officers are likely to be leading negotiations moving onwards.


Councillor Barrett asked about the status of Fairfield House and the officer explained that there is no restrictive covenant on the building.


Councillor Gerrish stated that he felt it was valid that negotiations are moved away from member involvement but it is ok if a transfer is member initiated. He reported that he had been involved in two Community Asset Transfers and that there had been constructive advice and a clear indication of liabilities. The Director reassured the Panel that final decisions are put through a proper checking process with 151 officer and monitoring officer involvement.


Councillor Myers asked for an update on this policy, he asked that the comments from the Panel be enshrined in the policy.

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