Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Guildhall, Bath. View directions

Contact: Michaela Gay  01225 394411


No. Item



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The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.




The Chair will draw attention to the emergency evacuation procedure as set out under Note 6.


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The Chair drew attention to the emergency evacuation procedure.




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Councillor Alex Beaumont gave his apologies and was substituted by Councillor Hal MacFie.



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There were none.



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There was none.



At the time of publication no notifications had been received.


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Ceris Humphreys made a statement regarding ‘Journey to Net Zero and the Active Travel Masterplan’.


In response to a question from Councillor Heijltjes, Ms Humphreys stated that she would welcome a workplace levy.


In response to a question from Councillor Box, Ms Humphreys stated that joined up thinking was needed regarding short journeys within Bath. There should also be a focus on longer journeys and stopping them earlier.


The Chair thanked Ms Humphreys.




MINUTES pdf icon PDF 116 KB

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The Panel confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record and they were duly signed by the Chair.


Cabinet Member update

The Cabinet Member will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.


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The Cabinet Member for Highways, Councillor Rigby gave an update on the following:


·  North Parade Bridge is now open (closed for 7 weeks, work was on target)

·  3 crossing are completed

·  City Centre Security Scheme, Upper Borough Walls is finished, now working on Lower Borough Walls (due to finish in November)

·  Regarding highways, Queen Square is completed

·  Regarding Emission Based Parking TRO – this was paused for the pre-election period but is going ahead now.

·  Liveable Neighbourhoods – Sydney Road is in place and there will be a press release regarding Lower Lansdown.

·  Transport Action Plan (TAP) will be considered by Cabinet today.

·  Park and Ride – looking at a full business plan. It has been in house for 18 months. We are keen on a dedicated RUH Park and Ride.

·  Consultation on parking charges will go live shortly.

·  National Highways plan to close Warminster Road for repairs for a significant period.



Councillor Heijltjes asked why the bid for traffic signalling was unsuccessful. The Cabinet Member stated that it was a competitive bid, we were almost not ‘bad enough’.


Councillor Box asked about Park and Ride timing extensions for the Christmas period. The Cabinet Member explained that there would be trials in the run up to the Christmas Market period.


Councillor Heijltjes asked how to add schemes to the TAP (Transport Action Plan) and how the TAP and ATM (Active Travel Masterplan) interact. The Cabinet Member stated that schemes are objectively scored.  She also noted that Councillor Heijltjes is meeting with officers about this.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel, Councillor Warren gave an update on the following:


·  The Local Plan has incorporated the new National England Standard

·  Nature Recovery – the bid on Forest of the Nations has been successfully shortlisted.

·  The Climate and Nature Annual Report has been deferred for consideration as there has been a government delay in releasing data

·  Green Open Homes had 800 visitors/22 homes

·  Heritage Homes project – Council buildings have improved. Solar Panels have been fitted on the cemetery and sports centre.

·  Energy efficiency standards for rental properties are being worked on.


Councillor David asked if the Green Open Homes Scheme could be expanded to include nature friendly gardens. The Cabinet Member noted the suggestion.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Members.


Creating Sustainable Communities in North East Somerset: The Journey to Net Zero Transport Strategy pdf icon PDF 111 KB

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Councillor Sarah Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel, introduced the item and gave a presentation which covered the following:


·  What is this Strategy?

·  Why have we created this Strategy?

·  How have we developed this Strategy

·  Keynsham and Saltford, summary of possible improvements

·  Somer Valley, summary of possible improvements

·  Hicks Gate, summary of possible interventions

·  Whitchurch Village, summary of possible improvements

·  What are the next steps of this Strategy?


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor MacFie asked about car parks in Keynsham in light of extra homes and shoppers. The Cabinet Member stated that the information was supported by data and that car parking is under review. She added that nothing would be happening immediately.


Councillor MacFie thanked the Cabinet Member for visiting the Keynsham area and showing possible routes. He stated that he was keen to see facility for bikes on the bypass in the area.


Councillor MacFie asked about planned housing developments at Hicks Gate and the links with Bristol. He stated that it would be helpful to know the numbers for the consultation response. The Cabinet Member for Built Environment, Housing and Sustainable Development, Councillor Matt McCabe explained that any allocated housing will be consulted on. He explained that Bristol City Council are keen to move the Park and Ride at Brislington in order to develop the site for housing. He stated that is it not clear yet where the housing would be but would probably be on both sides of the boundary.


Councillor Johnson asked about mobility hubs, especially with regard to delivery hubs around the CAZ (Clean Air Zone). The Cabinet Member (Councillor Warren) explained that some mobility hubs are on the programme of work with WECA (West of England Combined Authority). She explained that hubs would be different depending on location, some town centre hubs may include a bus stop and bike parking and some in rural locations may include parking.


Responding to a question from Councillor Johnson about a train station in Saltford, the Cabinet Member stated that this is a question for WECA.


Councillor Wait stated that he welcomed a cycle path along the bypass in Keynsham to give a cycle and walking route into town.


Councillor Wait stated that he supported the pedestrianisation of Keynsham High Street and continuous cycle path from Bath to Bristol. The Cabinet Member stated that she would continue to put the case to WECA.

The Chair thanked the Cabinet Members.




Active Travel Masterplan pdf icon PDF 101 KB

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Councillor Sarah Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel, introduced the item and gave a presentation which covered the following:


·  What is this Masterplan?

·  Why have we created this Masterplan?

·  Schools Climate Summit

·  What is the Masterplan?

·  Interactive Map of routes

·  What are the next steps in the Masterplan?

·  When and how do the public get involved?


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Box stated that the consultation must make clear that it is a shopping list in order to manage expectations. She asked that open updates are given to show working and why things happen. She stated that bike schemes are good but people have concerns about the dangers of roads. She asked if there is likelihood of bike racks on buses. The Cabinet Member for Highways explained that she had had conversations with two major operators, and it is not something they feel they can do at present.


Councillor Box asked about active travel key partners such as GP’s and schools. The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency that she wants all partners to feed into the consultation. She stated that the plans will be updated – for example if there is funding for an individual route.


Councillor Collins stated that this was exciting work and that it was good to see integrated routes. She state that it was slightly disappointing that the great tool kit does not seem to flow into the plan, it is just routes. Also some roads are heavily used by cyclists but are low on the maintenance list. The Cabinet Member thanked her for the feedback.


Councillor Player asked about working on what we already have. She stated that road conditions are appalling. She stated that on the Lower Bristol Road car park, all of the vegetation has been pulled out. It must be made attractive. The Cabinet Member stated that these points can be checked and while street trees are not in this policy, it is a priority for us.


Councillor Heijltjes asked how the ATM is delivering for residents, she stated that it was too big, had some mistakes, the map is not useful and census data is from 2021 when numbers were skewed due to the pandemic/work from home. She also asked why another expensive report had been done and asked the cost and timeframe for delivery. The officer explained that the report had been written in house. The data is the most up to date that we have and the plan can be adapted, residents can tell us if we have something wrong. The Cabinet Member stated that she is aware that this piece of work is not complete at this stage, legal advice was slightly later than we would have liked. She further explained that this document puts us in a position to have successful bids for funding and the cost is less than implementing any possible cycle route.

Councillor Johnson stated that cyclists are concerned about cars and also about  ...  view the full minutes text for item 84.


Response from Cabinet to Recommendations of the Food Task Group pdf icon PDF 66 KB

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Note: Councillor Grant Johnson Chaired the meeting from this point (Councillor Andy Wait left the meeting)


The Cabinet Member for Built Environment, Housing and Sustainable Development, Councillor Matt McCabe introduced the item. He talked about middle ground growers.


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Heijltjes asked about the partially accepted recommendation regarding a lead officer. The Cabinet Member stated that he will consider where it sits. The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency stated that the reason for the partial acceptance was that the funding is unclear at this stage.


Councillor Player stated that there are no allotments in Westmoreland Ward. There are houses with no gardens and flats but people deserve green space. The Cabinet Member for Built Environment stated that a suitable site would need to be put forward and he will take away her points.


Councillor Leach stated that he was on the Food Task Group and explained that they were constrained in what they could cover due to the remit and time available.


The Cabinet Member for Built Environment stated that it is a challenging time for farmers and it is important that we engage.


Councillor Johnson explained that there was a commitment to allotments in Paulton 14 years ago when the housing was built. He asked if there is a mechanism in the planning system to ensure these commitments are met. The Cabinet Member stated that this was completely unacceptable and he will see if there is something in the Local Plan to address this. The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency added that telling your MP is useful as the Government will be revamping policies. Councillor MacFie added that there is a mechanism – it can be put in as a ‘condition’ of a planning application.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Members.


Panel Workplan pdf icon PDF 106 KB

This report presents the latest workplan for the Panel. Any suggestions for further items or amendments to the current programme will be logged and scheduled in consultation with the Panel’s Chair and supporting senior officers.

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Panel members noted the future workplan and made the following suggestions for future items:


Councillor Box – Food Strategy - Business/Farmers


Councillor Box – enforcement regarding the Dark Sky Policy


Councillor Heijltjes – Vison Zero Update


Councillor David – Waste (high streets and town centres) – progress on reduction


Councillor Collins – retro fitting/planning policies


Councillor Player – HMO’s/Waste and mess