Agenda item

Active Travel Masterplan


Councillor Sarah Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel, introduced the item and gave a presentation which covered the following:


·  What is this Masterplan?

·  Why have we created this Masterplan?

·  Schools Climate Summit

·  What is the Masterplan?

·  Interactive Map of routes

·  What are the next steps in the Masterplan?

·  When and how do the public get involved?


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Box stated that the consultation must make clear that it is a shopping list in order to manage expectations. She asked that open updates are given to show working and why things happen. She stated that bike schemes are good but people have concerns about the dangers of roads. She asked if there is likelihood of bike racks on buses. The Cabinet Member for Highways explained that she had had conversations with two major operators, and it is not something they feel they can do at present.


Councillor Box asked about active travel key partners such as GP’s and schools. The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency that she wants all partners to feed into the consultation. She stated that the plans will be updated – for example if there is funding for an individual route.


Councillor Collins stated that this was exciting work and that it was good to see integrated routes. She state that it was slightly disappointing that the great tool kit does not seem to flow into the plan, it is just routes. Also some roads are heavily used by cyclists but are low on the maintenance list. The Cabinet Member thanked her for the feedback.


Councillor Player asked about working on what we already have. She stated that road conditions are appalling. She stated that on the Lower Bristol Road car park, all of the vegetation has been pulled out. It must be made attractive. The Cabinet Member stated that these points can be checked and while street trees are not in this policy, it is a priority for us.


Councillor Heijltjes asked how the ATM is delivering for residents, she stated that it was too big, had some mistakes, the map is not useful and census data is from 2021 when numbers were skewed due to the pandemic/work from home. She also asked why another expensive report had been done and asked the cost and timeframe for delivery. The officer explained that the report had been written in house. The data is the most up to date that we have and the plan can be adapted, residents can tell us if we have something wrong. The Cabinet Member stated that she is aware that this piece of work is not complete at this stage, legal advice was slightly later than we would have liked. She further explained that this document puts us in a position to have successful bids for funding and the cost is less than implementing any possible cycle route.

Councillor Johnson stated that cyclists are concerned about cars and also about ice and leaves when cycling, there is a need to maintain cycle tracks. The Cabinet Member stated that she hoped the new Government would pay attention to the need for this type of work when considering budgets. She referenced feedback on independent travel which included fear of men – she stated that trees can add to such fears and concerns.


Councillor David stated that this is the first time the Council has had an Active Travel Masterplan for the whole district. She stated that she would like a map so she can promote it. She also suggested that the consultation be promoted through universities and schools. She asked when more e-bikes would be available in Bath, a lot get moved to Bristol. The Cabinet Member responded that usage of the bikes helps. She thanked Councillor David for her suggestions.


The Cabinet Member for Built Environment, Housing and Sustainable Development, Councillor Matt McCabe stated that he was pleased to see rural issues in the document. He stated that there is a missing chunk between Radstock and Bath (no pavement). He underlined the importance of gathering local knowledge. He noted that there is sometimes a lack of links between villages and sometimes walkers do not want cyclists on footpaths and landowners may not want to surface their land. He stated that it will be a challenge to prioritize. The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency explained that the next step will be prioritization once identified as a ‘strategic route’.


Councillor Box stated that it is a good use of tax payers money to create this Masterplan as it is cost effective and we can be more flexible going forwards. The Cabinet Member agreed.


Councillor Leach asked if Bath’s cycle mayor could be involved in the Masterplan and asked if there was a walking mayor. The Cabinet Member stated that she would be delighted to work with them and is in contact with the current cycling mayor.


Councillor Player asked about plans for cycling on Upper Bristol Road which, she reported, is incredibly dangerous. The Cabinet Member explained that this document did not have that level of design detail, she stated that we are constrained by the widths of roads but are monitoring floating bus stops.


Councillor Heijltjes spoke about the shared use of paths and 20mph cycle speed must be an error. She stated that towpaths were socially unsafe and not wide enough. The Cabinet Member agreed that towpaths are not the complete answer. Councillor Heijltjes stated that she would like to see a plan for the most urgent of the routes. The Cabinet Member agreed that the next stage is prioritization of the routes.


Councillor Heijltjes asked how walking/cycle zones are decided on. She asked how to get a request of a bridge into the plan. The Cabinet Member stated that the team can advise on this.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Members.

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