Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Brunswick Room - Guildhall, Bath. View directions

Contact: Corrina Haskins  01225 394357

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Emergency Evacuation Procedure

The Democratic Services Officer will draw attention to the emergency evacuation procedure.


The Democratic Services Officer drew attention to the emergency evacuation procedure.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies had been received from:

Cllr Alison Born – Bath and North East Somerset Council

Saranna Burgess - AWP (Mental Health Care)

Cara Charles Barks- Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust

Sara Gallagher - Bath Spa University

Will Godfrey - Bath and North East Somerset Council

Julia Griffith – BEMS

Scott Hill - Avon and Somerset Police

Mary Kearney-Knowles - Bath and North East Somerset Council

Stephen Quinton - Avon Fire and Rescue Service

Nic Streatfield – University of Bath


Charles Bleakley for Julia Griffith - BEMS

Joss Foster for Cara Charles Barks - Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust



Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting declarations of interest are received from Members in any of the agenda items under consideration at the meeting.

(a) The agenda item number in which they have an interest to declare.

(b) The nature of their interest.

(c) Whether their interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or an other interest (as defined in Part 4.4 Appendix B of the Code of Conduct and Rules for Registration of Interests).

Any Member who needs to clarify any matters relating to the declaration of interests is recommended to seek advice from the Council’s Monitoring Officer or a member of his staff before the meeting to expedite dealing with the item during the meeting.



To Announce any Updates or Urgent Business Agreed by the Chair

1.  To remind the Board that the South West Health & Wellbeing Board Network Conference on Leadership for Health and Wellbeing is taking place on the 4th of October at Somerset County Cricket Club.



Public Questions, Statements and Petitions

Please see agenda note 4 overleaf.


Tim Birkbeck of the Diversity Trust made a statement about the establishment of a LGBTQ+ network in Bath and its aims in relation to health as summarised below:

1.  The Diversity Trust had been awarded 5-year funding to establish a LGBTQ+ network in the South West.

2.  A big part of the role was identifying barriers and gaps for communities including access to health care with a particular focus on 21-45 year olds.

3.  They were looking to work with organisations in the Bath and North East Somerset area.

The Chair suggested that a report come back to the Health and Wellbeing Board at a future date to report on progress. 



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To confirm the minutes of the above meeting as a correct record.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of 11 July 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Matters Arising


Sue Poole (Healthwatch) reported back on actions taken since the previous meeting in relation to the item on Refugees/Asylum Seekers experiences of health services.  She advised that the Council’s Refugee Resettlement Manager had confirmed that the Resettlement Team did liaise closely with the Home office and the South West Migration Partnership and the following statement was agreed to summarise the views expressed at the previous meeting:


'The H&WB recognises the importance of good communications between all organisations concerned with the health and welfare of refugees and asylum seekers, especially where children and other vulnerable people are concerned, acknowledging the trauma that many will have experienced.


The H&WB Board values the benefits of strong and open partnership working between the local authority, health providers, local voluntary organisations, the South West Migration Partnership and the Home Office, in protecting people whilst they are living as refugees or asylum seekers in our area.'



Lithium-ion Battery Safety Bill

15 minutes


The Board to comment on proposed legislation in relation to the safety of Lithium-ion Batteries.


It was noted that Stephen Quinton (Avon Fire Rescue Service) was unable to attend the meeting to advise on lithium-ion battery safety from the perspective of the Fire Service but had undertaken to provide a briefing note for Board Members.


The Chair stated that as Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, he was in support of the Lithium-ion Battery Safety Bill which was currently going through parliament.  The Board endorsed the Chair’s support for the safety bill.



Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan - Quarter 2 Exception Report pdf icon PDF 178 KB

20 minutes


The Board to receive the Quarter 2 exception report on the four priorities of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy Implementation Plan.


Sarah Heathcote/Paul Scott to give a brief introduction to the key findings and actions.

Additional documents:


Sarah Heathcote summarised the Quarter 2 Exception Reports and highlighted the main findings (presentation attached as an appendix to the minutes).


Laura Ambler reported that there was a pause on Priority action 4.4 “Improve equitable access to physical and mental health services for all ages via the development of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams (INTs), community-based specialist services and our specialist centres” due to a current procurement process.


The Board raised the following comments:

1.  Welcomed the exception reporting and opportunity for the Board to monitor progress in implementing the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

2.  There was a question about whether the RAG ratings should measure progress or outcomes.  It was noted that for some of the green ratings the action had been completed but there was still work required to reach an outcome.  It was agreed that the outcome rather than progress should be measured and that this could be considered through a refresh of the JHWS Implementation Plan and a review of the monitoring process subject to agreeing a timeframe and capacity.

3.  In terms of how the Council’s Children, Adults, Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Panel was kept informed about progress, there was a regular update from the ICB as well as a deeper dive on specific items.

4.  In relation to Priority 3.1.1 “Implement Community Wellbeing Hub (CWH) strategy”, it was noted that this was part funded by the Better Care Fund and it was unknown if this source of funding would be continued under the new Government.  Links were being made with the new Government/LGA to promote the CWH and it was hoped that the benefits of this approach would be recognised in the upcoming CQC Inspection.


09 exception report summary pdf icon PDF 446 KB


Winter Planning pdf icon PDF 442 KB

20 minutes


The Board to receive an update on winter planning.

Additional documents:


Emma Smith, Lead for Urgent Care BSW ICB gave a presentation on the BSW Winter Plan – 2024/25 including:

1.  An overview of the B&NES programme which focused on embedding a culture of “Home is best” to reduce reliance on bed-based care and preventing de-conditioning to improve patient experience and reduce patient harm.

2.  A summary of B&NES Locality funded schemes 24/25.

3.  Additional capacity plans over Winter.

4.  Vaccination Programme.

5.  Details of communications plans and governance structure.

Daniel Noad, Emergency Planning Team Manager B&NES gave a presentation on Local Resilience Forums Winter Preparedness and B&NES Council Emergency Planning, Preparedness & Response including details of a programme and events.


The Board was asked to promote the information to ensure that communities engaged with the programme and events on offer.



Pharmacies and the Prevention Agenda pdf icon PDF 482 KB

20 minutes


Uzo Ibechukwu, Chief Pharmacist – B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board to present.


Uzo Ibechukwu, Chief Pharmacist – BSW ICB and Helen Wilkinson, ICS Community Pharmacy Clinical Lead gave a presentation on Community Pharmacy Priorities.


The Board raised the following comments:

1.  It would be useful to see some figures relating to the uptake of people accessing Pharmacy First services.

2.  There was a need to manage expectations of people accessing pharmacy services e.g., timelines for following up blood pressure checks with a GP appointment.

3.  It was noted that access to pharmacy services in rural areas was a challenge.

4.  In terms of challenges around workforce, it was noted that this was less of an issue within the B&NES area compared with other areas due to links with local education providers such as the University of Bath.



Bath and North East Somerset Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) Annual Report pdf icon PDF 94 KB

20 minutes


Fiona Field, Independent Chair of the BCSSP, to present.

Additional documents:


Fiona Field, Independent Chair of the BCSSP presented the report.

The Board raised the following comments/questions:

1.  In terms of safeguarding, what did success look like and what was the message to share with the public?  Fiona Field acknowledged that it was difficult to have a positive message around safeguarding.  An increase in the number of referrals did not equate to an increase in the number of incidents, but rather a better awareness and confidence around reporting incidents.  There was also a positive message that there was a lot of preventative work being undertaken in relation to safeguarding.

2.  It was noted that the BCSSP would be inspected as part of the upcoming CQC adult services inspection.



Better Care Fund Update pdf icon PDF 119 KB

5 minutes


The Board is requested to ratify the Quarter 1 Better Care Fund submission.


Suzanne Westhead introduced the report and asked the Board to ratify the Q1 Better Care Fund submission.

The Board RESOLVED to ratify the Q1 Better Care Fund submission.