Committee details
Health and Wellbeing Board
- Councillor Paul May (Chair)
- Paul Harris (Vice-Chair)
- Laura Ambler
- Councillor Alison Born
- Sophie Broadfield
- Cara Charles Barks
- Scott Hill
- Sara Gallagher
- Will Godfrey
- Julia Griffith
- Mary Kearney-Knowles
- Amritpal Kaur
- Kate Morton
- Sue Poole
- Stephen Quinton
- Rebecca Reynolds
- Val Scrase
- Martin Sim
- Richard Smale
- Nic Streatfield
- Suzanne Westhead
- Councillor Robin Moss (Observer, non-voting)
Reserve members
- Jocelyn Foster
Purpose of committee
The Bath and North East Somerset Health and Wellbeing Board is a statutory forum where political, professional, clinical, and community leaders from across the local authority, care, health, Third Sector, higher and further education and the wider system come together to set direction to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population and reduce health inequalities. The Board is a key mechanism for driving joined up working at a local level.
Links to further information;
The Terms of Reference can be found in the Council’s Constitution: Constitution
Contact information
Support officer: Corrina Haskins. 01225 394357
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Lewis House
Manvers Street
Phone: 01225 394357