Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Guildhall, Bath

Contact: Tom Dunne  01225 394360

No. Item



The Chairman will draw attention to the emergency evacuation procedure as set out under Note 7.


The Chairman drew attention to the emergency evacuation procedure set out on the agenda which was read out.



At this point in the meeting declarations of interest are received from Members in any of the agenda items under consideration at the meeting. Members are asked to complete the green interest forms circulated to groups in their pre-meetings (which will be announced at the Council Meeting) to indicate:

(a) The agenda item number in which they have an interest to declare.

(b) The nature of their interest.

(c) Whether their interest is personal and prejudicial or personal.

Any Member who needs to clarify any matters relating to the declaration of interests is recommended to seek advice from the Solicitor to the Council and Monitoring Officer before the meeting to expedite dealing with the item during the meeting.



Councillor Alan Hale declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in the agenda item on the Joint Local Transport Plan (Report 7) because of his employment as Senior Road Safety Officer at South Gloucestershire Council.



These are matters of information for Members of the Council. No decisions will be required arising from the announcements.


The Chairman:


1.  Informed Council of the deaths which had taken place since the last Council Meeting of former Councillor Richard Maybury, Lambridge Ward and Dick King-Smith, noted local author of children`s books. The Council placed on record its appreciation of their service to the community and its condolences to their families and stood in silence as a mark of respect in their memory.


2.  Referred to International Holocaust Memorial Day taking place on Thursday 27th January and encouraged everyone to participate in the local commemorative events. The Chairman informed Councillors that she would be lighting a memorial candle in the Guildhall foyer at 9am to remain lit through the day until close of business.


3.  Asked everyone to turn off their mobile phone or switch it to silent to avoid disrupting the meeting and because of the possibility that if they remained switched on they might interfere with the sound system in the Chamber or the videolink to the Banqueting Room.


4.  Referred to the agenda item timings on the briefing sheet for this meeting which had been agreed with the Group Leaders and asked Councillors to keep contributions to debate brief and relevant and not to repeat what had already been said by colleagues.


5.  Indicated that she proposed to waive Council Rule 37 so as not to permit Councillors seconding motions or amendments being able to reserve their right to speak until later in the debate, but to require all seconders, if they wished to speak, to do so when they had seconded the motion or amendment. The Council indicated its agreement.


6.  Indicated that she did not propose to announce a comfort break unless the meeting was likely to continue well beyond 9pm.




If there is any urgent business arising since the formal agenda was published, the Chairman will announce this and give reasons why she has agreed to consider it at this meeting. In making her decision, the Chairman will, where practicable, have consulted with the Leaders of the Political Groups. Any documentation on urgent business will be circulated at the meeting, if not made available previously.

Note: Agendas for Council meetings are structured so as to identify those matters on which the Council may make a decision and those where its powers are limited to comment or recommendation to the Cabinet or other bodies.

The order of agenda business is prescribed in the Council's Constitution. The Chairman or the meeting may vary this.




Explanation: A member of the public who has given prior notice may make his/her views known at a Council meeting by making a statement, presenting a petition or a deputation on behalf of a group or asking a question (see note 5 above).



There were no items of urgent business for this meeting.



The Democratic Services Manager will announce any submissions received under the arrangements set out in note 5 above. The Council will be invited to decide what action it wishes to take, if any, on the matters raised in these submissions. As the questions received and the answers given will be circulated in written form there is no requirement for them to be read out at the meeting. The questions and answers will be published with the draft minutes.



Explanation: the Policy and Budget Framework comprises a list of Plans and Strategies which, under the Council's Constitution, are to be decided by the Council itself. For some of these Plans and Strategies the law prescribes that they should form part of the Framework and therefore full Council only shall determine them. Others have been added to the list by Council. The Policy and Budget Framework (which includes the Council Budget) sets the overall framework within which the Cabinet must operate and matters which go beyond that must be decided by the full Council.

Policy and Budget Framework and Cabinet items for decision by Council are normally presented as a recommendation from the Cabinet or the responsible Cabinet Member.


Additional documents:


There were three questions from members of the public as listed in the Appendix to these minutes. The questions asked and answers given in writing as circulated at the meeting are held on file in the minute book and published on the Council`s website with the draft minutes of this meeting.


There were nine statements from members of the public as indicated below. Copies of the statements provided by the speakers which were circulated at the meeting are held on file in the minute book and published on the Council`s website with the draft minutes of this meeting.


(A)  Mr David Redgewell on behalf of South West Transport Network made a statement urging the Council to support the Joint Local Transport Plan prepared in conjunction with neighbouring local authorities and to reinforce the efforts made by councils in the West of England to secure from Central Government support for more sustainable transport systems.


Mr Redgewell was thanked for his statement which it was decided would be taken into account during consideration of agenda item 7.


(B)  Mrs Agnes Melling made a statement urging that negotiations be opened with the bus companies as a matter of urgency to reinstate bus services over Pulteney Bridge, Bath. In response to a question from Councillor Caroline Roberts, Mrs Melling said that she had held meetings with the Cabinet Member in the autumn of 2010 and today and made him aware of the views of local residents and that the bus service passing the doctors` surgery was needed by residents in many parts of Bath.


Mrs Melling was thanked for her statement which was referred for consideration and response to the Cabinet Member for Service Delivery.


(C)  Ms Manda Rigby made a statement in support of a petition signed by 238 local residents asking for the reinstatement bus services over Pulteney Bridge, Bath. In response to a question from Councillor Terry Gazzard, Ms Rigby said that she was not aware that the Number 764 bus had been routed along Great Pulteney Street but she was aware that since 4th November 2010 the Number 4 bus had been routed along part of Great Pulteney Street and Edward Street but she was concerned that they did not serve the main part of Great Pulteney Street and dropped passengers outside the Sports and Leisure Centre in North Parade Road which was too far for people with limited mobility to walk to the shops. In response to a question from Councillor Caroline Roberts, Ms Rigby said that although consultation had been promised last September it was her experience that local residents did not consider this had yet taken place.


Ms Rigby was thanked for her statement which was referred for consideration and response to the Cabinet Member for Service Delivery.


(D)  Mr David Redgewell, South West Transport Network, read a statement on behalf of Mr George Bailey, Radstock Action Group, urging the Council to protect the Radstock to Frome railway line as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 67.



This is a report on the Joint Local Transport Plan 3 covering the period 2011 to 2026 developed in partnership with Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils under the guidance of the West of England Joint Transport Executive Committee which is recommended for approval and adoption by the Council prior to submission to the Secretary of State.


All Members of the Council have received a copy of the Joint Local Transport Plan 3 and a copy has been placed at each public inspection point (see agenda note 2 above). The Plan and supporting documents may be accessed on the Travelplus website at:


Lead Cabinet Member:  Councillor Charles Gerrish, Cabinet Member for Service Delivery

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report on the Joint Local Transport Plan 3, covering the period 2011 to 2026, which had been developed in partnership with Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils under the guidance of the West of England Joint Transport Executive Committee and which was required to be approved and adopted by the Council for submission to the Secretary of State.


On a motion proposed by Councillor Charles Gerrish and seconded by Councillor Francine Haeberling it was RESOLVED that the final draft of the Local Joint Transport Plan 3 be approved and adopted for submission to the Secretary of State subject to, the addition to Box 11 (a) on page 132 of the words “exploration of further possibilities to revive rail transport especially where this would enhance economic regeneration (e.g. reopening the Radstock to Frome railway line).”


(Notes: 1. The above resolution was carried by a majority of 29 votes to 26 with 1 Councillor abstaining from voting. A recorded vote was requested under Council Rule 45 and taken as follows:


For the resolution: Councillors : Colin Barrett, Gabriel Batt, Marie Longstaff, Bryan Chalker, Anthony Clarke, Victor Clarke, Sally Davis, Douglas Deacon, Peter Edwards, Terry Gazzard, Charles Gerrish, Francine Haeberling, Alan Hale, Malcolm Hanney, David Hawkins, Les Kew, Malcolm Lees, Barry Macrae, Bryan Organ, Vic Pritchard, Brian Simmons, Martin Veal, Tim Warren, Chris Watt, Brian Webber, Brook Whelan, John Whittock, Stephen Willcox and Gordon Wood (29)

Against the resolution: Councillors : Simon Allen, Sharon Ball, Tim Ball, Cherry Beath, David Bellotti, Sarah Bevan, Loraine Morgan-Brinkhurst, John Bull, Neil Butters, Nicholas Coombes, Paul Crossley, David Dixon, Andrew Furse, Ian Gilchrist, Nathan Hartley, Steve Hedges, Lynda Hedges, Adrian Inker, Eleanor Jackson, Shaun McGall, Caroline Roberts, Nigel Roberts, Dine Romero, Will Sandry, David Speirs and Roger Symonds (26)

Abstained from Voting: Councillor Ian Dewey (1)

Absent: Councillors Rob Appleyard, Chris Cray, Gerry Curran, Colin Darracott, Armand Edwards, Marian McNeir, Carol Paradise and Shirley Steel (8).

2. The wording underlined in the above resolution was carried on an amendment from Councillor Eleanor Jackson which was accepted by the mover and seconder of the motion.

3. An amendment was moved by Councillor John Bull seconded by Councillor Eleanor Jackson to remove the Bath Transportation Package (BTP) from the Joint Local Transport Plan (JLTP), which was further amended by Councillor Caroline Roberts to remove from the JLTP the segregated bus rapid transit scheme in Bath and to initiate a review of the scope and need for the Bath park and rides as currently planned in the BTP.  That amendment was not carried with 27 Councillors voting in favour, 29 Councillors voting against and 1 Councillor abstaining from voting.)




The Democratic Services Manager will announce any submissions received. The Council will be invited to decide what action it wishes to take, if any, on the matters raised in these submissions. As the questions received and the answers given will be circulated in written form there is no requirement for them to be read out at the meeting. The questions and answers will be published with the draft minutes.


Additional documents:


There were six questions from Members of the Council as listed in the Appendix to these minutes. The questions asked and answers given in writing as circulated at the meeting are held on file in the minute book and published on the Council`s website with the draft minutes of this meeting.


Councillor Dine Romero made a statement about the proposed closure of Culverhay School, Bath urging that the decision be reconsidered and that a non-denominational co-educational school be established on the site to answer the demand from local parents for this educational opportunity for their children. In response to a question from Councillor John Bull, Councillor Romero said that if Culverhay School was closed there would not be enough space at Ralph Allen School or Beechen Cliff School to meet the needs of local parents without temporary classrooms being provided.  The statement was referred to the Cabinet Member for Children`s Services for consideration and response.


Councillor Paul Crossley made a statement urging that the Council`s policy on the provision of grit bins in residential areas be reviewed in the context of the recent severe weather and making a number of suggestions as to how this provision could be improved for the future.  The statement was referred to the Cabinet Member for Service Delivery for consideration and response.