Committee details
- Councillor Michael Auton
- Councillor Tim Ball
- Councillor Alex Beaumont
- Councillor David Biddleston
- Councillor Colin Blackburn
- Councillor Alison Born
- Councillor Anna Box
- Councillor Deborah Collins
- Councillor Paul Crossley
- Councillor Chris Dando
- Councillor Jess David
- Councillor Mark Elliott
- Councillor Sarah Evans
- Councillor Fiona Gourley
- Councillor Kevin Guy
- Councillor Alan Hale
- Councillor Ian Halsall
- Councillor David Harding
- Councillor Liz Hardman (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Gavin Heathcote
- Councillor Steve Hedges
- Councillor Saskia Heijltjes
- Councillor Oli Henman
- Councillor Joel Hirst
- Councillor Lucy Hodge
- Councillor Duncan Hounsell
- Councillor Shaun Hughes
- Councillor Dr Eleanor Jackson
- Councillor Grant Johnson
- Councillor Samantha Kelly
- Councillor George Leach
- Councillor John Leach
- Councillor Hal MacFie
- Councillor Ruth Malloy
- Councillor Lesley Mansell
- Councillor Matt McCabe
- Councillor Paul May
- Councillor Sarah Moore
- Councillor Ann Morgan
- Councillor Robin Moss
- Councillor Michelle O'Doherty
- Councillor Bharat Pankhania
- Councillor June Player
- Councillor Manda Rigby
- Councillor Dine Romero
- Councillor Paul Roper
- Councillor Sam Ross
- Councillor Onkar Saini
- Councillor Toby Simon
- Councillor Shaun Stephenson-McGall
- Councillor George Tomlin
- Councillor Malcolm Treby
- Councillor Karen Walker (Chair)
- Councillor Sarah Warren
- Councillor Tim Warren CBE
- Councillor Andy Wait
- Councillor David Wood
- Councillor Joanna Wright
Purpose of committee
The full Council has responsibility for setting the Council’s Policy & Budget framework. This is the collection of plans and strategies which describe how services are to be provided. Within the terms of the framework, responsibility lies with Cabinet and Cabinet Members to establish and implement policy. The Council also deals with matters relating to the Constitution (the rule book governing decision making).
The Council usually meets 6 times a year and its meeting are open to the public.
Links to further information
- Description of Council functions (see Section 3.1)
Contact information
Support officer: Jo Morrison. 01225 394358
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Lewis House
Manvers Street
Phone: 01225 394358