Agenda and minutes

Venue: Brunswick Room - Guildhall, Bath

Contact: David Taylor  01225 - 394414

No. Item


Emergency evacuation procedure

The Chair will ask the Committee Administrator to draw attention to the emergency evacuation procedure as set out under Note 6


The Senior Democratic Services Officer read out the procedure


Election of Vice Chair (if desired)


A Vice Chair was not required


Apologies for absence and Substitutions


There was an apology for absence from Councillor Nigel Roberts whose substitute was Councillor David Martin


Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting declarations of interest are received from Members in any of the agenda items under consideration at the meeting. Members are asked to indicate:

(a) The agenda item number and site in which they have an interest to declare.

(b) The nature of their interest.

(c) Whether their interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or other interest (as defined in Part 2, A and B of the Code of Conduct and Rules for Registration of Interests)

Any Member who needs to clarify any matters relating to the declaration of interests is recommended to seek advice from the Council’s Monitoring Officer before the meeting to expedite dealing with the item during the meeting.


Councillor Liz Hardman declared a prejudicial interest in the planning application at Parcel 3300, Temple Inn Lane, Temple Cloud (Item 3, Report 9) as she knew the applicant and would leave the meeting for its consideration. Councillor Eleanor Jackson declared an interest in the application at Empty Radco Furniture Warehouse, Waterloo Road, Radstock (Item 6, Report 9) as a shareholder of the Co-op and also had predetermined the application. She would therefore make a statement and then leave the meeting for its consideration.


To Announce any Urgent Business Agreed by the Chair


There were no items of urgent business


Items from the Public - To receive Deputations, Statements, Petitions or Questions

(1) At the time of publication, no items had been submitted.


(2) To note that, regarding planning applications to be considered, members of the public who have given the requisite notice to the Committee Administrator will be able to make a statement to the Committee immediately before their respective applications are considered. There will be a time limit of 3 minutes for each proposal, ie 3 minutes for the Parish and Town Councils, 3 minutes for the objectors to the proposal and 3 minutes for the applicant, agent and supporters. This allows a maximum of 9 minutes per proposal.


The Senior Democratic Services Officer informed the meeting of the procedure for public speaking and that members of the public could make their statements on planning applications when reaching their respective items in Report 9.


Items from Councillors and Co-opted Members

To deal with any petitions or questions from Councillors and where appropriate Co-opted Members


Councillor Manda Rigby enquired about progress on the Gibbs Mews, Walcot Street development since the dismissal of 2 appeals. The Team Leader – Development Management responded that a constructive meeting had been held with the developers with a view to using natural stone.


Minutes: 15th January and 29th January 2014 pdf icon PDF 232 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings held on Wednesday 15th January and Wednesday 29th January 2014

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 15th January 2014 were approved subject to the deletion of the words “…and an amendment to Condition 7” from the 1st paragraph of Item 3 of Minute 119. The Minutes of the Special meeting held on 29th January were also approved and the Chair signed both sets of Minutes as correct records.


Plans List - Applications for Planning Permission Etc for Determination by the Committee pdf icon PDF 644 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee considered


·  A report by the Development Manager on applications for planning permission etc

·  An Update Report by the Development Manager on Item Nos. 1-3 and 6-9, a copy of which is attached as Appendix 1 to these Minutes

·  Oral statements by members of the public etc on Item Nos. 1-10, the Speakers List being attached as Appendix 2 to these Minutes


RESOLVED that, in accordance with their delegated powers, the applications be determined as set out in the Decisions List attached as Appendix 3 to these Minutes.


Item 1 Parcel 3567, Stitchings Shord Lane, Bishop Sutton – Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 32 dwellings and associated infrastructure – The Case Officer reported on this application and his recommendation to authorise the Development Manager of Planning and Transport Development to grant permission subject to (A) the Planning and Environmental Law Manager to enter into a S106 Agreement to secure various issues relating to Transport, Affordable Housing, Open Space and Recreational Facilities, and Education; and (B) subject to the prior completion of the above Agreement, authorise the Development Manager to grant permission subject to conditions (and such additional ecology conditions as she may determine).


The public speakers made their statements against and in favour of the proposals. The Ward Councillor Vic Pritchard made a statement expressing concerns about the proposals.


Councillor Les Kew opened the debate and referred to the cumulative effect of developments in the village. He felt that a site visit should be made on this important development proposal and moved that consideration be deferred accordingly. This was seconded by Councillor Martin Veal.


After a short debate, the motion was put to the vote and was carried, 11 voting in favour and 0 against with 2 abstentions.


Item 2 Milford Head, Stitchings Shord Lane, Bishop Sutton – Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of the site to provide 9 dwellings (Outline with all matters reserved except access)(Resubmission of 12/05599/OUT) – The Case Officer reported on this application and his recommendation to authorise the Development Manager of Planning and Transport Development to grant permission subject to (A) the applicant entering into a legal agreement to secure various issues relating to Education, Open Space and Recreational Facilities, Transport, and Protection of Boundary Hedgerows; and (B) subject to the prior completion of the above Agreement, authorise the Development Manager to grant permission subject to conditions (or such conditions as he may determine).


The public speakers made their statements against and in favour of the proposal. This was followed by statements by the adjoining Ward Councillor Tim Warren and the Ward Councillor Vic Pritchard expressing concerns about the development.


Councillor Les Kew opened the debate. He felt that this proposal warranted a site visit and moved that consideration be deferred accordingly. The motion was seconded by Councillor Martin Veal. After a short discussion about the benefits of a site visit, the motion was put to the vote. Voting: 10 in favour and 0 against with 3 abstentions.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 139.


Quarterly Performance Report - October to December 2013 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To note the report


The Development Manager submitted a report on performance information across a range of activities within the Development Management function for the period 1st October to 31st December 2013.


The Team Leader – Development Management responded to a query about outstanding funds balance in Table 12 of the report.


The Chair on behalf of the Committee thanked the Officers for their hard work and the report was noted.


New Planning Appeals Lodged, Decisions Received and Dates of Forthcoming Hearings/Inquiries pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To note the report


The report was noted