Register of interests

Councillor Ruth Malloy

I, Councillor Ruth Malloy a Member/Co-opted Member of Bath and North East Somerset Council (The Council) give notice that

1. You should disclose any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain, including the name of any person or body who employs or has appointed you.
Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation Spouse, Partner, Civil Partner’s Interests
Self employed proof reader - freelance Teacher Bath Academy Self employed translator
2. You should declare any payment or provision of any other financial benefit (other than from the Council) made or provided within the last 12 months in respect of expenses incurred by you in carrying out your duties as a member, or towards your election expenses.
Your Interests Spouse, Partner, Civil Partner’s Interests
Liberal Democrat Party Support for Election None
3. You should declare any current undischarged contract made between you, or a body in which you have a beneficial interest, and the Council under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed.
Your Interests Spouse, Partner, Civil Partner’s Interests
None None
4. You should declare any beneficial interest in land located with the Council’s area (excluding any easement, or right in or over land which does not carry the right to occupy or receive income).
Your Interests Spouse, Partner, Civil Partner’s Interests
72 Holcombe Green Bath BA1 4HY 72 Holcombe Green Bath BA1 4HY
51 Old England Way, Peasedown St John BA2 8SW 51 Old England Way, Peasedown St John BA2 8SW
5. You should detail any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the Council’s area for a month or longer.
Your Interests Spouse, Partner, Civil Partner’s Interests
None None
6. You should detail any tenancy where to your knowledge, the Council is the landlord and the tenant is a body in which you have a beneficial interest.
Your Interests Spouse, Partner, Civil Partner’s Interests
None None
7. You should detail any beneficial interest in securities of a body which has to your knowledge a place of business or land in the Council’s area and either the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital, or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of any class of shares issued.
Your Interests Spouse, Partner, Civil Partner’s Interests
None None
8. You must register as an Other Registerable Interest: a) any unpaid directorships, b) any body of which you are a member or are in a position of general control or management and to which you are nominated or appointed by your authority, c) any body, (i) exercising functions of a public nature, (II) (ii) directed to charitable purposes or (III) (iii) one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party or trade union)
Your Interests
Member Liberal Democrat Party
The European Movement (UK)
Member - Bath Alkmaar Twinning Association
Member - Bath Aix En Provence Twinning Association
Member - Braunschweig Twinning Association
Member - Bath Kaposvar Twinning Association
Member Advocate for Twinning and Great Spa Towns of Europe
Bath World Heritage Enhancement Fund Committee
Great Spa Towns of Europe Association Bath and North East Somerset Council
Company Member of Youth Hostelling Association & Normal Member of the YHA
9. You must reveal the name of any person or organisation from whom you have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £25 which you have received in your capacity as a member of the Council.
Date of receipt of Gift/Hospitality | Name of Donor Reason and Nature of Gift/Hospitality
22.05.2019 - Canal and River Trust An evening social event at the Holburne Museum, which I attended.
20.09.19 - Dr Amy Frost Bath Preservation Trust event in Therapeuticity series
24.09.19 - Dr Amy Frost Bath Preservation Trust Healthy City Debate
27.09.19 - Christians Against Poverty Relaunch of Christians Against Poverty and reception afterwards and a paper 'Nevertheless' written by John Kirby, who is the founder of Christians Against Poverty
01.10.19 - Mayor 2 tickets to the Mid-Somerset Festival - Bath Musician of the Year
22.10.19 Professor Ian White, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bath Light refreshments
25.08.21 - by Paul Simons (Cleveland Pools chairperson) I was invited to a social event for the volunteers of the Cleveland Pools, which was held at the Holburne Museum yesterday evening. I attended with my husband. We each accepted a (non- alcoholic in our case) drink and nibbles were on offer.
1 & 2 Oct 2021 - City Administration of Karlovy Vary I visited Karlovy Vary, Czechia for two days (1st- 2nd October) of meetings and events as the BaNES ‘Great Spa Towns of Europe’ representative, accompanied by the World Heritage manager, Tony Crouch. Among other things, there was a reception and official dinner (vegan in my case) to celebrate the inscription of the GSTE on the UNESCO World Heritage list. I was given various small gifts by the Mayor/City Administration of Karlovy Vary (one of the other constituent GSTE spa towns): a ceramic tumbler, a ceramic spa water drinking mug, a clockwork ladybird and a small mineral-encrusted ceramic souvenir.
26th-28th April 2022 - Town administration of Spa, Belgium I travelled to Spa for the Great Spa Towns of Europe meetings from 26th-28th April. As well as attending meetings, I was invited to dinner and received various small gifts, including four bottled varieties of the local mineral Spa water!
6th-8th September 2022 - as the Council's GSTE representative, I attended the first General Assembly of the GSTE Association In Frantiskovy Lazne, Czechia there was a formal dinner hosted by the Mayor of FL, and we were given various small gifts: a mug; a pen set and jotter pad: a sweet wafer (the local spa speciality).
14th-17th February 2023 - Hospitality received during a business trip on behalf of the Great Spa Towns of Europe Association (GSTEA) Dinner with the Lord Mayor including a visit to the Baden-Baden casino. A voucher for the thermal pools (unused) Baden-Baden GSTEA marketing items
18th-19th October 2023 - Great Spa Towns of Europe Association Third General Assembly of the Great Spa Towns of Europe Association, which took place in Montecatini Terme, Italy - and there was a formal dinner hosted by the Mayor of Montecatini and I was also given a box of cialde, the local wafer speciality.
26th-28th February 2024 - courtesy of the Baden-Baden municipality Evening meal (on 27th) and four small promotional gifts from the GSTE Baden-Baden
17th - 19th April 2024: Great Spa Towns of Europe Association General Assembly #4 in Bad Kissingen, Germany. Hospitality received: formal dinner hosted by the Bad Kissingen municipality on 18th April, and various promotional gifts: wine, chocolates, wafers, guidebook, souvenir cup and voucher for the KissSalis Therme.
10. I understand that I must, within 28 days of becoming aware of any new or change in the above interests, including any change in relation to a sensitive interest, provide written notification there of to the Council’s Monitoring Officer.
Changes to Registered Interests