Forward plan
Weekly List 7th March 2025 (07/03/2025 to 13/03/2025, Cabinet Single-Member Decisions (Weekly List))
No. | Item |
REPORTS FOR CABINET MEMBERS ON MATTERS WITHIN THEIR PORTFOLIO OR OF OFFICERS ON MATTERS WITHIN THEIR RESPONSIBILITY These decisions will be taken on or after the date shown, following a 5-working-day public consultation period. The report sent to the decision maker is attached. The decision, once taken, will be published in a subsequent Weekly List and will be subject to Call-in. | |
1. |
Adopting the Bath Air Quality Action Plan 2024 (WL) Decision maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel Decision due: Not before 15th Mar 2025 Lead officer: Michelle Tett Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/11/2024 Anticipated restriction: Open - EFP Reference: E3584 |
2. |
School Term and Holiday Dates 2026/27 Academic Year (WL) Decision maker: Cabinet Member for Children's Services Decision due: Not before 15th Mar 2025 Lead officer: Josephine Rees Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2025 Anticipated restriction: Open - EFP Reference: E3595 |
3. |
NDR Discretionary Relief Policy - Amendment 2025/26 (WL) Decision maker: Cabinet Member for Resources Decision due: Not before 15th Mar 2025 Lead officer: Amanda Dalton-Jones Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2025 Anticipated restriction: Open - EFP Reference: E3602 |
PAPERS PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED AND NOW FREE TO DECIDE BUT NOT YET DECIDED These papers were published in a previous Weekly List and await decision. The decision, once taken, will be published in a subsequent Weekly List and will be subject to the usual Call-in procedures. | |
4. |
Decision maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel Decision due: Not before 27th Feb 2025 Lead officer: Michelle Tett Decision status: Approved (subject to call-in) Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2025 Anticipated restriction: Open - EFP Reference: E3603 |
DECISIONS TAKEN BY CABINET MEMBERS ON MATTERS WITHIN THEIR PORTFOLIO OR BY OFFICERS ON MATTERS WITHIN THEIR RESPONSIBILITY These decisions will be implemented after the date shown, unless called-in by 9 Councillors. | |
5. |
CIL for Bath Advisory Board Recommendations Round Seventeen (WL) Decision maker: Council Leader Decision: Not before 1st Mar 2025 Lead officer: Mark Hayward Decision status: Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/02/2025 Anticipated restriction: Open - EFP Reference: E3505 |
ITEMS PREVIOUSLY LISTED IN THE FORWARD PLAN BUT NOW WITHDRAWN FOR THE REASONS STATED BELOW The Council has decided to re-engage with the community to develop a wider Liveable Neighbourhood plan over a longer time, to fully address traffic issues across the East of Bath and ensure proposals are fit for the needs of residents. This will be undertaken during the next external funding round which is likely to take place in several years’ time. | |
6. |
London Road and Snow Hill Liveable Neighbourhood Area Decision maker: Cabinet Member for Highways Decision due: Not before 21st Oct 2022 Lead officer: Joanna Sammons Decision status: Withdrawn Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/10/2022 Anticipated restriction: Open - EFP Reference: E3418 |
CALLED IN DECISIONS These decisions were the subject of a call-in by 9 members. The call-in has been validated under the rules within the Constitution and the implementation of the decision cannot proceed. The decision will be examined through the overview and scrutiny process and a recommendation may be made back to the decision maker. If so, the response of the decision maker (the Cabinet member or the Cabinet, whichever is relevant) will be recorded in a subsequent Weekly List. Once made, this decision will not be eligible for a further call-in. | |
7. |
Liveable Neighbourhoods: New Sydney Place and Sydney Road Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) (WL) Decision maker: Cabinet Member for Resources, Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel Decision: 13 Mar 2025 Lead officer: Cathryn Brown, Tom Foster Decision status: Approved Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/01/2025 Anticipated restriction: Open - EFP Reference: E3601 |