Forward plan

Weekly List 30th December 2011  (30/12/2011 to 05/01/2012, Cabinet Single-Member Decisions (Weekly List))

Plan items
No. Item

The Leader and Cabinet have indicated that most decisions will be taken by the full Cabinet, at its public meetings.  This Weekly List will report single member decisions anticipated, reports published, decisions made by Cabinet members and resolutions from Cabinet meetings.


These are decisions which, because of special circumstances needed to be taken urgently without the normal publication and call-in rules applying.  The decisions are not subject to normal Call-in rules and will be implemented immediately.  Provision is made for such circumstances in the Council's Constitution.


Victoria Bridge Emergency Repairs

Decision maker:  Cllr Paul Crossley

Lead officer:  Kelvin Packer

Decision status:  Approved

EFP Reference: E2335