Declarations of interest

These records are from May 2010 when this system was automated. Before that date, individual declarations will be recorded in the Minutes of the meeting at which the declaration was made.

 Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Application for a New Premises Licence for King Edwards School Bath Pavilion and Playing Fields, Bathampton, Bath. BA2 6SY'

  • Councillor Toby Simon - Other Interest - Councillor Toby Simon declared an other interest with regard to agenda item 7 (Application for a New Premises Licence for: King Edwards School, Bath, Pavilion and Playing Fields) as he said that he personally knew the representative from Bathampton Parish Council who were objecting to the application. He added that this would in no way have any impact on the decision made by the Sub-Committee and asked all parties present if they had any objection to him sitting on the Licensing Sub-Committee. There were no objections from the applicant or objectors towards Councillor Simon remaining as a member of the Sub-Committee following this declaration.