These records are from May 2010 when this system was automated.
Before that date, individual declarations will be recorded in the
Minutes of the meeting at which the declaration was made.
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Budget & Council Tax 2021/22 and Financial Outlook'
- Councillor Joanna Wright - Other Interest - Councillor Joanna Wright declared an other interest in item 14 as a a family member was in receipt of social care services.
- Councillor Kevin Guy - Other Interest - Councillor Kevin Guy declared an other interest in item 14 as his family business was in a receipt of a government COVID business grant.
- Councillor Sarah Warren - Other Interest - Councillor Sarah Warren declared an other interest in item 14 as a family member was undertaking an educational health care needs assessment.
- Councillor Tim Ball - Other Interest - Councillor Tim Ball declared an other interest in item 14 as his grandson is in receipt of care package.