These records are from May 2010 when this system was automated.
Before that date, individual declarations will be recorded in the
Minutes of the meeting at which the declaration was made.
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST'
- Ann Berresford - Other Interest - Ann Berresford declared an interest in respect of agenda item 9 (LGPS Pooling of Assets) as she had applied to become a non-executive director of the Brunel Company. She said that she would withdraw from the meeting when this item was discussed.
- William Liew - Other Interest - William Liew declared that he was about to join the board of a multi-academy trust which included academies which were members of the Avon Pension Fund. His appointment would not take effect for a couple of weeks, but he was making the declaration now, in case any issues relating to academies arose.