These records are from May 2010 when this system was automated.
Before that date, individual declarations will be recorded in the
Minutes of the meeting at which the declaration was made.

Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Motion from the Labour group - Trade Union Bill'
- Anthony Clarke - Other Interest - Member of British Medical Association - dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer
- Councillor Chris Dando - Other Interest - Member of a Trade Union - dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer
- Councillor Dr Eleanor Jackson - Other Interest - Member of the University and Colleges Union - dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer
- Councillor Liz Hardman - Other Interest - (Retired) member of the National Union of Teachers - dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer
- Joe Rayment - Other Interest - Member of Unison and UCU - dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer
- John Bull - Other Interest - Member of a Trade Union - dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer
- Nigel Roberts - Other Interest - Member of a Trade Union - dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer