Issue details

Policy Development & Scrutiny Recommendations - Joint Working to Retain Graduates in B&NES

The Cabinet was asked to respond to the recommendations made by the Panel following a Scrutiny Inquiry Day.  Organisations, Businesses and the Council must be able to discuss their issues, needs and priorities for the retention of graduates, share what work they are doing and develop a more co-ordinated and achievable approach to retaining graduates within the area.

This is not an implementable decision and will not be subject to Call-in.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 14/08/2013

Decision Type: Cabinet response to PDS panel review;

Lead member: Cherry Beath

Lead director: Ashley Ayre

Contact: Donna Vercoe, Overview & Scrutiny Project Councillor Ben Stevens Email: Tel: 01225 396053.

Consultation process

First notified in Forward Plan March 2012


PDS  Cab  Int  CIG  SP  PSB  CX  Mon  151

EFP Reference: E2381

Call-In Information: This is asking for a Cabinet response only. It is not an implementable decision and will not be subject to Call-in



  • Scrutiny Inquiry Day Terms of Reference agreed at the Economic & Community Development Panel meeting on the 17th November 2011