Issue details

(Rule 16) Improving access to superfast broadband in Bath and North East Somerset: the Broadband Delivery UK Opportunity

A Local Broadband Plan is required, to access funding from Government for bringing superfast broadband to 90% of all premises.  A final plan must be agreed with the Government by the end of April.  Somerset, Devon, North Somerset, Plymouth and Torbay Councils have a joint project called ‘Connecting Devon and Somerset’ which is open to B&NES to join. 

This report is being tabled under ‘Special Urgency’ measures (Rule 16) because:  (1) the government has brought forward the deadline for submitting a Local Broadband Plan to end of February 2012;  (2) the timetable for connecting with the ‘Connecting Devon and Somerset’ project;  (3) the Capital expenditure must be signed off as part of the budget setting process by Council in February 2012.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Lead member: Cherry Beath

Lead director: John Betty

Contact: John Wilkinson, Director of Economy and Growth Email: Tel: 01225 396593.

Consultation process

The item was not published in the Executive Forward Plan but was brought under the Special Urgency (Rule 16) provisions in the Council Constitution

EFP Reference: E2369

Call-In Information: Not for Call-in by virtue of Rule 16 (Special Urgency) provisions


Agenda items