Issue details

Weekly Collections Support Fund - Bid proposal

This report will consider the detail of a proposed bid to the DCLG Weekly Collections Support fund to increase recycling rates and reduce street litter by introducing wheeled bins (where practical) for refuse collection, to introduce a second recycling box for residents and to restrict volumes of residual waste collected. Further detail from DCLG due in Jan.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Abandoned

Lead member: David Dixon

Lead director: Glen Chipp

Contact: Carol Maclellan, Group Manager - Neighbourhood Environmental Services Email: Tel: 01225 394106.

Consultation process

Published in Forward Plan January 2012


PDS Cab TU 151 CX Mon

EFP Reference: E2354

Reason For Withdrawal: No Cabinet decision is required to submit a bid proposal. If funding is obtained, a report will be brought to Cabinet at a later date.