Issue details

Communication and Media Protocol (Safeguarding)

B&NES Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) made up of a range of statutory, voluntary and independent agencies identified the need for a multi-agency communication and media protocol to be agreed and implemented by Board members. The LSAB requested that communication leads from statutory agencies liaise and develop a joint working approach to media responses in respect of safeguarding adults. The LSAB have approved the attached protocol and now seeking cabinet approval.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Approved

Lead member: Simon Allen, Cabinet Member for Wellbeing

Lead director: Ashley Ayre

Contact: Lesley Hutchinson, Director of Adult Social Care, Complex and Specialist Commissioning Clare Tozer Email: Tel: 01225 396339.

Consultation process

Published in Forward Plan April 2011

EFP Reference: E2259


Agenda items