Issue details

Voluntary Sector Funding Applications for Community Transport 2011/12

This Report is being progressed under the urgency provisions (rule 15) and approval has been given by the relevant senior officers to do so.  Funding applications are received from voluntary sector bodies for the provision of community transport services. This Report gives details of those applications with recommendations on the allocation of funding.  Normally, the decision on this matter would be taken by the Cabinet Member for Service Delivery. However, the Cabinet Member is a trustee of one of the organisations recommended to receive a grant and has, therefore, referred the decision to the Leader of the Council.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Lead member: Francine Haeberling

Lead director: Glen Chipp

Contact: Andy Strong, Public Transport Team Manager Email: Tel: 01225 394201.

Consultation process

Not previously published in the Forward Plan – brought for decision under the Council's Urgency Provisions Rule 15.  Published in WL 18-Mar-11


Approval was given by Chief Executive, the Section 151 Finance Officer and the Monitoring Officer to treat this report under the urgency provisions (rule 15).  As in previous years, it was not deemed appropriate to consult more widely.

EFP Reference: E2256

