Issue details

Review of Secondary Schools in Keynsham

In March 2008 full Council approved a strategy for the future of secondary schools in Bath & North East Somerset. In May 2008 Cabinet agreed to consult on proposed changes to Keynsham schools, specifically the closure of Broadlands Community School and the expansion of Wellsway Community School to create a single secondary school for Keynsham.

A public consultation exercise on this proposal was undertaken between March and May 2010 and this report sets out the results of the consultation.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Lead director: Ashley Ayre

Contact: Chris Kavanagh, Team Leader Schools Capital and Organisation Email: Tel: 01225 395149.

Consultation process

Published in Forward Plan Jul 2010


WC  PC  TC  OS  TU  Cab  SU  YC  SP  PSB  CX  Mon  151

EFP Reference: E2153


Agenda items


  • Reports to Cabinet March and May 2008 - A Review of Secondary Schools in B&NES