Issue details

Wells Road A367 jnc. Highfields - Zebra Crossing

Due to the lack of a continuous footway on the north side of the A367 Wells Road, near its junction with Highfields, and the limited available gaps in the flow of traffic, particularly during peak periods, a Zebra Crossing is proposed, to facilitate those who wish to cross to the opposite side of the carriageway, particularly the elderly and disabled.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Abandoned

Lead member: Charles Gerrish

Lead director: Glen Chipp

Contact: Tasos Papaloucas, Road Safety Officer Email: Tel: 01225 394048.

Consultation process

Published in Forward Plan January 2011


WC  TC  St  LR  Mon  151

EFP Reference: E2221

Reason For Withdrawal: No Objections were received by the advertised date so the proposals will be implemented without the need for a Cabinet member decision