Issue details

Corporate Agreement Bath Western Riverside (Rule 16)

To agree that the Corporate Agreement between the Council and Crest Nicholson Regeneration Ltd in support of delivery of the Bath Western Riverside (BWR) Development can be signed

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Lead member: Terry Gazzard

Lead director: John Betty

Contact: Melanie Birwe, Senior Development Officer Email: Tel: 01225 477593.

Consultation process

This decision was considered under the Council's Special Urgency arrangements (Rule 16).  The special urgency circumstances were discussed and agreed with the Council's Chief Executive, Section 151 Officer, Monitoring Officer and the Chair of the Enterprise and Economic Development Overview and Scrutiny Panel.


OS  Cab  Int  SP  PSB  CX  Mon  151

EFP Reference: E2216 (not published in the Forward Plan)

