Issue details

Review of Secondary Schools in Bath

In March 2008 Council approved a strategy for the future of secondary schools in Bath & North East Somerset. In May 2008 Cabinet agreed to consult on proposed changes to some Bath schools.

Following this consultation exercise, the Cabinet made a decision at its meeting on 21-July.  That original decision was Called In and the Call-in was upheld by the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel at its meeting on 10-Aug-10.  The Panel asked the Cabinet to reconsider its original decision.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Lead director: Ashley Ayre

Contact: Chris Kavanagh, Team Leader Schools Capital and Organisation Email: Tel: 01225 395149 Tony Parker.

Consultation process

Original Decision Published on Council website 22-Jul-10

Reconsidered Decision Published on Council website 19-Aug-10


WC  PC  TC  OS  TU  Cab  SU  YC  SP  PSB  CX  Mon  151

EFP Reference: E2097

Call-In Information: A valid Call-in request was received. The Call-in was considered by the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel on Tue 10-Aug-10 in the Guildhall, Bath. The Panel upheld the Call-in and referred the matter to Cabinet for them to reconsider the decision. The Cabinet considered this at a Special Cabinet meeting on Wed 18-Aug and decided to CONFIRM the original decision. This reconsidered decision is NOT subject to Call-in


Agenda items


  • Reports to Cabinet March and May 2008 - A Review of Secondary Schools in B&NES  
  • Call-in papers from CYP O&S Panel meeting of 10-Aug-10  
  • Report to Cabinet for its meeting on 18-Aug-10 to consider the Panel's recommendations