Issue details

Site Purchase (St. Clements Road, Keynsham)

Decision to delegate the market purchase of land in St. Clements Road, Keynsham, and its subsequent sale to Aequus for residential development, to the Head of Estates.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Withdrawn

Wards affected: Keynsham South;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/01/2025

Decision due: Not before 14th Jan 2025 by Cabinet Member for Resources

Lead director: Director of Capital & Housing Delivery

Contact: Susan Hayter, Housing Manager (Projects) Email: Tel: 01225 47 7473.

EFP Reference: E3596

Reason For Withdrawal: On 6th January 2025, a request for a Single Member Decision from the Cabinet Member for Resources was added to the Cabinet Forward Plan (E3596). The decision was in relation to supporting Aequus, the council's wholly owned housing company, to purchase land at St Clements Road, Keynsham. Aequus has subsequently agreed a more efficient method to secure the land at St Clement Road, Keynsham. As a result, the council no longer needs to be directly involved in the transaction. Consequently, we have withdrawn the request for approval of a Single Member Decision from the Cabinet Forward Plan.