Issue details

Heritage Services Updated Business Plan 2010-2015

The Updated Business Plan 2010–2015 identifies the changes to the planning assumptions made in the Heritage Services Business Plan 2006–11. It has been prepared following the annual in-depth review of business activity and includes an analysis of the risk involved. It is not an exhaustive analysis of the Service’s business position. For the full picture it should be read in conjunction with the Heritage Services Business Plan 2006–11

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Lead member: Terry Gazzard, Councillor Malcolm Hanney

Lead director: Glen Chipp

Contact: William Harding, Head of Human Resources Stephen Bird Email: William_Harding@BATHNES.GOV.UK Tel: 01225 477203.

Consultation process

Decision published in WL 06-Aug-10


OS  St  Int  SU  151

EFP Reference: E2101

