Issue details

Arts Development Strategy 2011-2014

The Council’s Arts Development service, and its funded services procured from voluntary arts organisations, are planned and delivered within the context of the Arts Development Strategy.  The previous strategy covered the period 2008-2011; it has now been substantially revised to set new priorities for the coming three years 2011-2014 in line with the themes of the Sustainable Community Strategy

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Lead member: Terry Gazzard

Lead director: Glen Chipp

Contact: Ann Cullis, Senior Arts Development Officer Email: Tel: 01225 396455.

Consultation process

Published in WL 25-Jun-10


Cabinet member; Town Councils; Staff; Other B&NES Services; Service Users; Stakeholders/Partners; Other Public Sector Bodies; Section 151 Finance Officer; Chief Executive; Monitoring Officer

A draft Arts Development Strategy 2011-2014 was produced in February 2010 and issued for consultation, allowing 8 weeks for comments and responses (12 February-9 April).  Consultation was undertaken with all voluntary arts organisations currently in receipt of funding; Bath Area Cultural Forum; other Council teams with whom the Arts Development service works on projects or joint initiatives; and other relevant local and regional organisations and agencies in the arts and cultural sector.

EFP Reference: E2009

