Issue details

Bath Walking, Wheeling and Cycling Links (WL)

Bath Sustainable Walking & Cycling Links (BSWCL) is an Active Travel scheme, with proposed routes aiming to provide continuous cycle routes, as well as walking and wheeling improvements, across Bath, connecting national cycle routes, education and health facilities as well as residential areas. Alternative modes of travel will become more attractive, enabling reduced car use and supporting improved public health, as well as better air quality and cutting carbon emissions. It will complement and support other similar transport projects across the city. The council is to become the lead on delivery following handover from WECA.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Financial Impact and Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Approved

Wards affected: Bathwick; Kingsmead; Newbridge; Weston;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/07/2024

Decision due: Not before 7th Dec 2024 by Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel

Lead director: Executive Director - Sustainable Communities

Contact: Kate Hobson Email: Tel: 01225 395207.

Consultation process

The West of England Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) was adopted in 2020 setting out the strategy for transforming active travel in the region.
There is public consultation planned on the preliminary designs in the BSWCL scheme in October and November 2024.


Ward councillors, residents, businesses, community and interest groups, education and health facilities, other external stakeholders, and internal service areas.

EFP Reference: E3561

