Issue details

Somer Valley Enterprise Zone Statutory Mechanisms

BANES has undertaken a procurement exercise to secure strategic and implementation advice on the statutory mechanisms available to the Council to enable delivery of the commercial outcomes at Somer Valley Enterprise Zone (SVEZ) through the acquisition of land parcels.

An in-principle statutory mechanisms resolution was adopted in February 2024. In accordance with the adopted resolution, approval is sought to bring forward a report to Cabinet to determine the use of compulsory purchase powers to acquire the land and rights in land required for the SVEZ scheme.

The Council is looking to deliver a mixed used regeneration project in the Somer Valley, predominantly on the land forming part of the SVEZ which is held in multiple ownerships. The SVEZ has been allocated for mixed use development in the Council’s local plan since 2007 but has not been bought forward by the private sector. In addition to the development of the SVEZ, there are a number of highways works that will be necessary in order to deliver the project, including a new access from the A362 and network junction interventions.

The Local Planning Authority (LPA) is promoting a Local Development Order (LDO) across the SVEZ, and highway enabling works to assist in bringing the site forward.

In order to secure delivery of the outcomes at SVEZ the Council needs to acquire the majority if not all of the land within the SVEZ as well as several small parcels of land outside of the highway boundary.

It is therefore necessary to consider the statutory mechanisms available to the Council, via a Compulsory Purchase Order, to enable the acquisition of the land parcels should ongoing negotiations not lead to private treaty acquisitions.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Financial Impact and Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Approved (subject to call-in)

Wards affected: Paulton;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/06/2024

Decision due: 11 Jul 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Economic and Cultural Sustainable Development

Lead director: Director of Capital & Housing Delivery

Contact: Richard Holden, Operations Manager - Bath Enterprise Zone Email: Email: Tel: 01225 47 7655.

Consultation process

The project team and its consultants have been in regular dialogue with the landowners over the last 24 months. The project reports into the Cabinet Member and a Key Stakeholder Group.

An informal public engagement was held in May-June 2022 and the formal LDO documents were published on 16th January 2023 and the formal public consultation concluded on 23rd February 2023. Following the initial statutory consultation, the project team attended workshops with Development Management to address comments received and revised documents were submitted back to the LPA. The revised statutory consultation began on 22nd September 2023 and concludes on 20th October 2023.

The informal public engagement in May/June 2022 consisted of a public webinar, consultation boards in local libraries and hard copy and online surveys. Engagement events were undertaken at Midsomer Norton Town Council, Radstock Town Council, Paulton Parish Council and a resident meeting in Paulton.


Both statutory consultations were hosted on the Planning Portal, with a dedicated webpage on the B&NES site that described the documents uploaded and then directed through to the Planning Portal for comment. Statutory consultees were contacted directly by Development Management to inform them of the application being published for comment. Prior to the revised statutory consultation, the project team attended Farrington Gurney Parish Council meeting on the 18th September and the Somer Valley Forum on 20th September.

EFP Reference: E3557


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