Issue details

Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) Renewal

Under the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 the Council has the power to create a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO). Two PSPOS are requested for the City of Bath and Midsomer Norton High Street. These PSPOs would be deployed by the Police and ensure that powers to confiscate alcohol from a minority of problematic people continue beyond September 2024 when the current Orders will expire. The renewed orders will last for 3 years until 17th September 2027.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Approved (subject to call-in)

Wards affected: Bathwick; Combe Down; Kingsmead; Lambridge; Lansdown; Midsomer Norton North; Midsomer Norton Redfield; Moorlands; Newbridge; Odd Down; Oldfield Park; Southdown; Twerton; Walcot; Westmoreland; Weston; Widcombe & Lyncombe;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/05/2024

Decision due: 12 Sep 2024 by Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Tim Ball, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services

Lead director: Director of People & Change

Contact: Samantha Jones, Inclusive Communities Manager Email: Cherry_Bennett@BATHNES.GOV.UK Email: Tel: 01225 396364.

Consultation process

We're planning on consulting on the proposed Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) to restrict street drinking in Bath and Midsomer Norton, including the specific wording of the orders and the proposed areas to be covered. The proposed boundaries for the Bath City PSPO are the same as for the previous PSPO. The proposed boundaries for the Midsomer Norton PSPO are the same as for the previous PSPO. Consultation is due to take place from 8th July – 16th August 2024 (6 weeks).

In summary, the proposed orders would prohibit people from having alcohol in their possession, care, or control in any public place in the areas within the red lines on the respective maps, where they:
are or have been, consuming it, or intend to do so, and
are behaving in a way that is, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm, distress, crime, or disorder.

It would not in itself be an offence to drink alcohol in this area, but it would be an offence to fail to comply with a request by an authorised officer (for example, a Police Officer) to stop drinking or hand over their alcohol (including any opened or sealed containers) in the area covered by the PSPO.

Public spaces are areas where the public or any section of the public has access to (including areas the public pay to access, access as their right or virtue of express or implied permission). This means the proposed PSPO would include public car parks, public parks, streets and other public spaces.


The consultation is open to all, and we encourage local people, businesses and visitors to Bath and North East Somerset to respond. Contributions are welcome from stakeholders responding on behalf of particular groups impacted by the PSPOs.

EFP Reference: E3542


Agenda items

Background papers