Issue details

Revocation of Keynsham Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) (WL)

Under the Environment Act 1995 Part IV (section 83), a Local Authority is required to review and assess the air quality within its area against national objectives.  Where the pollutant levels are above or are likely to be above the national targets declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).


In July 2010, Bath & North East Somerset Council declared an AQMA in Keynsham.


An AQMA can be revoked if following a subsequent air quality review, it is shown that the air quality objectives are being achieved and are likely to remain so.


Since 2018 the air quality objective has been achieved and therefore the Environmental Monitoring team are recommending to the Council that the AQMA is revoked.


Following the revocation of the AQMA the Council will continue to monitor air quality in the area.  The Council will be developing an air quality strategy to provide a framework in delivering local air quality improvements within Bath and North East Somerset district, as well as detailing the ambition the authority has with developing appropriate policies and applying appropriate regulatory control. 

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Approved

Wards affected: Keynsham East; Keynsham North; Keynsham South;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/04/2024

Decision due: Not before 22nd May 2024 by Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel

Lead director: Director of Place Management

Contact: Aled Williams, Environmental Protection Manager Email: Tel: 01225 396625.

Consultation process

  1. Virtual meeting with ward members to discuss the revocation of the AQMA. 


  1. Notify and engage with local commercial and residential properties in the form of a letter drop and create an online public engagement.


  1. Notify internal and external stakeholders of the consultation to enable an open feedback opportunity.



  1. Letter drop to commercial and residential properties that are 25 metres from the boundary of the AQMA.


  1. Internal stakeholders consulted:

o  Communication & Marking

o  Liveable Neighbourhood Team

o  Clean Air Zone Team

o  Development Management Team (Planning)

o  Transport development and policy

o  Public Health

o  Climate and engagement/ green transformation

o  Highways


  1. External stakeholders consulted:

o  North Somerset Council

o  Somerset County Council

o  Wiltshire Council

o  South Glos Council

o  Bristol City Council

o  National Highways

o  Environment Agency


o  West of England Combined Authority (WECA)

o  Keynsham Town Council


  1. Consultation circulation to Keynsham B&NES Councillors and Cllr Warren.


  1. Public online consultation. Started 14th February 2024 - 11th March 2024.


  1. Notification letter sent to local library with a request for them to display to highlight the consultation to local users.


7.  Briefed Chair of the Keynsham Area Form Group for them to raise at the next meeting.

EFP Reference: E3535

