Issue details

Sustainable Construction Checklist Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Review and Update of Energy Summary Tool 1 (WL)

Policy SCR6 of the LPPU sets out energy use standards that new residential development is required to meet. The Sustainable Construction Checklist SPD sets out the information that applicants are required to submit in order to demonstrate compliance with the energy use standards in the policy. It is proposed to amend the SPD to enable the Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) to be used for applications for schemes of up to 25 dwellings (including a maximum of 9 flats). Currently SAP can only be used for minor applications of up to 9 dwellings, with the more complicated PHPP (Passivhaus) tool required for schemes of 10 dwellings or more. The proposed amendment to the SPD will be subject to public consultation.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/03/2024

Decision due: Not before 20th Apr 2024 by Cabinet Member for Built Environment, Housing and Sustainable Development

Lead director: Executive Director - Sustainable Communities

Contact: Richard Daone, Planning Policy Team Leader Email: Tel: 01225 477546.

Consultation process

Once amendments to the SPD are approved they will be subject to public consultation through the submission of written comments. The consultation will be publicised using press/news releases, the website and social media as appropriate.


The amendments to the SPD will be subject to full public consultation, including residents and other stakeholders involved in the planning and development process.
The Single member Decision Report will be subject to consultation with Cabinet member for Built Environment and Sustainable Development, S151 and Monitoring Officers.

EFP Reference: E3527

