Issue details

Consultation on the proposal to close Culverhay School

In July 2010 following a public consultation process on proposed changes to some Bath schools Cabinet decided to consult on the proposal to close Culverhay School (Culverhay).

A public consultation exercise has now been completed and this report sets out the results of that consultation and asks cabinet to consider the views expressed before deciding whether it wishes to publish a legal notice for the closure of Culverhay.

Type: Information Only

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Consultation process

Published in Cabinet Agenda 25-Nov-10


WC  PC  TU  St  SU  SP  Oth  151  CX  Mon

EFP Reference: E2181

Call-In Information: The Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel at their meeting on 15-December decided to Dismiss the Call-in. The original Cabinet decision will therefore be implemented.


Agenda items


  • Cabinet Reports March and May 2008 - Review of Secondary Schools in B&NES  
  • Cabinet Reports July and August 2010 - A Review of Secondary Schools in Bath