Issue details

Local Authority Housing Fund Delivery Programme (WL)

Decision to support the delivery of the Local Authority Housing Fund programme which will deliver 22 homes for Ukrainian and Afghan families. Purchase of the open market properties will be via LAHF grant passported via the Council together with additional borrowing from the existing ADL Loan Agreement. Therefore, in accordance with
the Shareholder Agreement 2018, updated in 2022, Aequus must seek approval from the Shareholder for Reserved Matters 22 and 28.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/09/2023

Decision due: Not before 30th Sep 2023 by Council Leader

Lead director: Director of Regeneration & Housing

Contact: Susan Hayter, Housing Manager (Projects) Email: Tel: 01225 47 7473.

Consultation process

Internal consultation


Director Regeneration & Housing, S151 Officer and Monitoring Officer

EFP Reference: E3481

