Issue details

Hygge Park and Sulis Down Support Provider Procurement (WL)

Accommodation for new supported living schemes is currently being built at two sites: Hygge Park in Keynsham and Sulis Down in Bath. Both will house 5 individuals with support needs in individual flats, have some communal space, and office/ living space for a support member of staff 24/7. The schemes will be open to individuals with a learning disability and/or autism with Care Act eligible care and support needs.

The Specialist Commissioning Team is responsible for commissioning a support provider to provide core support for all the individuals who will make these flats their homes. We propose to complete a competitive tender to appoint one core provider across both schemes. This approach offers the market a viable contract and an opportunity to grow their business and position within B&NES.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Significant Financial Impact;

Decision status: Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/04/2023

Decision due: Not before 24th Jun 2023 by Cabinet Member for Adult Services

Lead director: Director of Adult Social Care

Contact: Email:

EFP Reference: E3460

