Issue details

London Road and Snow Hill Liveable Neighbourhood Area

To agree the shortlist items to be taken forward to preliminary design and engagement for the London Road and Snow Hill Liveable Neighbourhood Area.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Withdrawn

Wards affected: Walcot;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 13/10/2022

Decision due: Not before 21st Oct 2022 by Cabinet Member for Highways

Lead director: Director of Place Management, Director of Sustainable Communities

Contact: Joanna Sammons, Assistant Transport Planner Email: Tel: 01225 477608.

EFP Reference: E3418

Reason For Withdrawal: The Council has decided to re-engage with the community to develop a wider Liveable Neighbourhood plan over a longer time, to fully address traffic issues across the East of Bath and ensure proposals are fit for the needs of residents. This will be undertaken during the next external funding round which is likely to take place in several years' time.