Issue details
Addressing air quality and traffic management issues through the management of parking behaviour on the highway
Outline proposals which are intended to
improve air quality by ensuring nitrogen dioxide (NO2) targets are
met in the shortest possible time through a major shift to mass
transport, walking and cycling in order to secure the safer
movement of pedestrian traffic on the highway by reducing the
public health risks posed to them by air pollution. This will
facilitate the achievement of strategic outcomes of local transport
policy by reducing congestion and vehicle intrusion into
neighbourhoods, and particularly residential neighbourhoods. Whilst
the measures proposed are designed to improve air quality and meet
traffic management and pedestrian safety purposes it is also
anticipated they will also significantly reduce the level of
emissions that drive climate change.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Decision status: Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/12/2020
Decision Type: Key Decision;
Decision due: Not before 20th Feb 2021 by Cabinet Member for Transport Services
Lead director: Director Environment
Contact: Andrew Dunn, Team Manager - Parking Services Email: Tel: 01225 39 5415.
EFP Reference: E3253
- 23/02/2021 - Addressing air quality and traffic management issues through the management of parking behaviour on the highway (WL)
- E3253 - Addressing air quality and traffic management issues through the management of parking behaviour on the highway
PDF 260 KB
- Appendix A – Emissions based parking permits prices for residents parking zones
PDF 125 KB
- Appendix B - On street parking charges
PDF 141 KB
- Appendix C – Draft Medical Permit engagement document
PDF 182 KB
- Appendix D – Draft Hotel Permit engagement document
PDF 213 KB
- Appendix E - Equalities Impact Assessments
PDF 458 KB