Issue details

Local Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2009-2010

The Cabinet Member is asked to approve the LSAB Annual Report on behalf of the Council.  It details the work undertaken from April 2009 to March 2010 to safeguard vulnerable adults from abuse and neglect and sets the work plan for 2010-2011

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Implemented

Decision Type: Partnership Board for Health & Wellbeing;

Lead member: Councillor Vic Pritchard, Conservative Group Leader

Lead director: Janet Rowse

Contact: Clare Tozer, Directorate Secretary Lesley Hutchinson Email: Tel: 01225 831319.

Consultation process

Published in Agenda for PBHW meeting 15-Sep-10


OS   Int  SU  SP   PSB

EFP Reference: E2166
