Issue details

Empty Residential Properties – Transfer to ADL Ltd

The decision agrees to transfer the specified empty residential properties to ADL in line with the Executive Decision in December 2015 and the following related objectives:

• To maximise revenues for the Council.
• To hold, manage and operate high quality private lettings.
• To improve supply, quality and quantity of private rented housing.
• To act as a responsible and equitable landlord.
• To deliver long term capital appreciation.
• To support the Council’s strategic vision and objectives.

The following tranche of empty residential units transferred back to the Council from registered social landlords and following a review of the business case it has been agreed that they will be transferred to ADL Ltd:

• Flat 2, 12 Broad Street – a two story, 2 bedroomed flat.
• Flat 2, 9 Westgate Street – a one bedroomed flat.
• Flat 7, 35 Parsonage Lane – a one bedroomed flat.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/11/2019

Decision due: 13 Jun 2019 by Chief Executive, Director Finance - Section 151 Officer

Contact: Donna Parham, Interim Director - Finance Email: Tel: 0122539.
