Issue details

Revenue & Capital Outturn 2014/15

The report presents the revenue and capital outturn for 2014/15, highlighting an underspend of £54,000. This represents a significant achievement in the context of the government’s public sector deficit recovery plan which resulted in a revenue savings requirement of over £10 million for 2014/15.

The report refers to requests to carry forward specific revenue budget items to 2015/16 and to write-off revenue overspends where recovery in future years would have an adverse impact on continuing service delivery.

The report also refers to requests to re-phase specific capital budget items to 2015/16 and to remove net capital underspends.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/06/2015

Decision due: 8 Jul 2015 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member - Finance and Efficiency

Lead director: Strategic Director - Resources

Contact: Gary Adams, Head of Financial Management Email: Tel: 01225 477107.

EFP Reference: E2762


Agenda items


  • Appx 1 Revenue & Capital Outturn 2014/15 Information  
  • Council’s Budget Management Scheme   
  • Revenue & Capital Monitoring Reports (Sep’14, Nov’14 & Feb’15 Cabinet)