Issue details

Area 5 Westmoreland/Oldfield/Lyncombe(part)/Widcombe(part) 20mph TRO

Determination of Traffic Regulation Orders for 20mph speed limits within the Westmoreland/Oldfield/Lyncombe(part)/Widcombe(part) wards (Area 5) following statutory consultation

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/02/2014

Decision Type: Traffic Regulation Order;

Decision due: 19 Mar 2014 by Cllr Caroline Roberts

Lead director: Louise Fradd

Contact: Simon Thomas, Project Engineer Email: Tel: 01225 394260.

EFP Reference: E2626



Background papers

  • E2345 20mph Speed Limit Implementation (Cabinet 11 April 2012)