Issue details

Events Strategy 2014-2017

The Events Strategy sets out the Council’s statutory duties and other roles in relation to events.  It describes how the Council will work local partners and stakeholders to co-ordinate a year-round events programme, the criteria for financial support of events, and the aims and objectives to be achieved.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Abandoned

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/01/2013

EFP Reference: E2511

Reason For Withdrawal: The purpose of this Strategy was to set out a way forward for the management and development of events, including identifying new opportunities to attract events to the district. The Council now intends to take more time to review these options in detail and to undertake research and consultation. In particular the Council will examine the potential economic impact of events, and how events relate to arts, culture and tourism. This work will be undertaken during 2013/14