Issue details

Scheme for the Recreation Ground - next steps following consultation on the uses of the Recreation Ground and consideration by the Charity Commission

The issue will be considered at a meeting called for the purpose once the Trust receives a scheme from the Charity Commission.  This is anticipated to be some time during November but is in the hands of the Commission.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Approved

Decision Type: Bath Recreation Ground Trust;

Decision due: 29 Nov 2012 by Board of Trustees of the Recreation Ground, Bath

Lead member: David Dixon

Lead director: Andrew Pate

Contact: Andrew Pate, Strategic Director, Resources Tel: 01225 477300.

Consultation process

First notified 23-Oct-12

EFP Reference: E2498


  • Appx 1 Draft Scheme issued by the Charity Commission  
  • Appx 2 Response to the draft Scheme sent by the Chairman of the trustees  
  • Appx 3 Communications Plan to support the publication of the Scheme  
  • Appx 4 Text of explanatory leaflet to be made available during the period of the publication of the Scheme