Issue details

Safety Fencing along the River Avon in Bath

A commissioned report from RoSPA assessed the risks posed to users of the river path between Churchill Bridge and Windsor Bridge, which included a recommendation for edge protection along a stretch of river located east of Windsor Bridge in Bath.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Decision due: 5 Dec 2012 by Cabinet

Lead member: David Dixon

Lead director: David Trigwell

Contact: Cathryn Brown, Senior Project Manager Email: Tel: 01225 477645.

Consultation process

First notified 23-Oct-12

EFP Reference: E2496


Agenda items


  • E2496 Safety Fencing - River Avon, Bath  
  • Water Safety Review - River Avon, Bath. Publisherd by RoSPA, 2011