Issue details

Proposed Air Quality Management Area for Saltford

Following a review of the air quality across the authority an area in Saltford has been identified as exceeding the government's limits.  Cabinet are being asked to determine the boundary of the air quality management area.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Approved

Decision Type: Key Decision;

Decision due: 5 Dec 2012 by Cabinet

Lead member: David Dixon

Lead director: David Trigwell

Contact: Andrew Jones, Team Manager Environmental Monitoring and Licensing Dr Nicola Courthold Email: Tel: 01225 477557.

Consultation process

First notified 11-Oct-12

EFP Reference: E2490


Agenda items


  • E2490 Proposed AQMA Saltford  
  • Appx 1 Proposed AQMA, Saltford  
  • Appx 2 Summary of consultation responses - Air Quality Management Area in Saltford